April 27, 2004

Ken Wimer, Pastor

Ken Wimer, Pastor
Shreveport Grace Church
PO Box 5028
Shreveport, LA 71135

web page
Shreveport Grace Church

Archived articles available on this site
What you wont learn from The Passion

other articles available at his church website

April 26, 2004

John Roden

John Roden, (layman seeking to spread His good news)
Woodbridge, VA
(Located in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C.)
Phone: 540-788-3613

Web sites
Sovereign Grace home page
Sovereign grace Baptist.com

Archive articles available on this site
Blood drenched book
Pharaoh – Saul of Tarsus

Other articles available at his site, Sovereign grace home page

April 25, 2004

J.C. Ryle

John Charles Ryle 1816 – 1900

Bishop Ryle was a prolific writer. The author of numerous tracts and books of which “Knots United” is one of is best known. He was a fearless defender of the evangelical reformed faith as expressed in his book “Thirty-nine articles of religion”. He had a God given ability to speak to the truth without wavering while seasoning his speech with salt so that all received with some comfort. His style was devotional without sacrificing sound doctrine. His method is scriptural and expository. He was born in Macclefiled, England and educated at Christ Church in Oxford. He was ordained by Bishop Sumner at Winchester. During His lifetime he planted 40 churches throughout England and Scotland, pastured countless perishes, and spent much of his time writing. His leadership was sound and sensible persuading many legalist not to isolate themselves from the main-stream of Church life by boycotting church congress. It wasn’t until later in his life, at age 64, that he finally became a Bishop of a new perish in Liverpool. Among his countless writings many are short reads of less than 50 pages which he called tracts. Among these are “Duties of Parents” and “A Call to Prayer”.

"I sometimes fear if Christ were on earth now, there are not a few who would think his preaching legal; and if Paul were writing his epistles, there are those who would think he had better not write the latter part of most of them as he did. But let us remember that the Lord Jesus DID speak the Sermon on the Mount, and that the Epistle to the Ephesians contains six chapters and not four." – J. C. Ryle

Archived articles available on this site
Poor ephemeral things which cannot
Boundless capacity of wickedness
Redaing the Bible
Growing in Grace
The True Church
The training and education of Children
Three rules for a Happy Marriage
Cheap easy work
Self pleasing self, self indulging, worldly minded people
One great secret of happiness

Other articles and tracts available at J.C. Ryle archives

April 24, 2004

A. W. Pink

Arthur W. Pink 1886 – 1952

It seems that Christian preachers who gave close attention to God’s Word, preaching Christ alone and not avoiding theological issues such as predestination, were frequently set aside in their times. That was what happened to A. W. Pink an able speaker whose constant desire was to magnify his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pink’s ‘home’ was with the Puritans of centuries before, and with C. H. Surgeon of the previous century. Then it was from those directions that he became acutely aware of the dangers to the Gospel from the Pre-millennialism and Dispensationalist of American Fundamentalism. Pink had been a student of the Scofield Reference Bible from soon after the first edition was issued in 1909 with several of his early books demonstrated his attachment. Then in 1933 he repudiated those notions; not hesitating to call them demonic. This change in views and public rebuke irritated many preachers at the time. He struggled with issues inside his own Baptist congregations as well. His continuous message was God’s sovereign grace in salvation and man’s responsibility in servitude to the Lord. With this message to some denominations believed him to be hyper-Calvinistic while others hearing the same message suspected that he harbored a dangerous Arminisim. During decades, when very few would tolerate his discerning Bible examinations, he taught plainly and faithfully. His writings were clear to the point and overflowed with grace. From early pages on his first book through the final pages of his last one Pink never evaded issues nor minced words. He spoke with and wrote with true convictions in his pen. Arthur Walkington Pink was born in Nottingham, England, to Christian parents. Resolving not to enter some British theological college he traveled to the United States of America to attend the Moody Institute in Chicago. That only lasted two months and the impatient man moved to Colorado preaching in a mining community. Other pastorates followed in California, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and finally in Australia. During this time, and times to come, he never really found a home and went months without preaching to any souls on many occasions. At the end of that he noted: “We have not opened our mouth in public a single time during 1937.” After rejections in the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom he traveled to Scitland and sent his remaining years and devoted further decades writing his monthly magazine, “Studies in the Scriptures,” from his always humble rented home. It became clear to him that his future ministry would be this magazine. He faithfully published his monthly magazine even though during its 12 years it never reached more than 1,000 homes at any one stage. In 32 years while he studied assiduously, engaged in a remarkably extensive correspondence, the Editor wrote 2,000 articles averaging four pages each. That provided a great resource of Reformed literature, which contributed to many of his 55 books

“The work unto which the servant of Christ is called is many-sided. Not only is he to preach the Gospel to the unsaved, to feed God's people with knowledge and understanding, and to take up the stumbling stone out of their way, but he is also charged to "cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression". While another important part of his commission is stated in, "Comfort ye, My people, said your God".” – A.W. Pink

“In preaching to the unsaved I never did anything more than I do in my articles: presented the truth of God so far as I knew it, and left it to the Holy Spirit to apply and bless it as he saw well. I never held any ‘after meetings’, never asked sinners to signify by any outward sign they had accepted Christ or desired to be prayed for. If any waited behind to speak with me, I told them frankly I would not help them, and urged them to go home and read God’s Word. Nor did Spurgeon use any of those Arminian methods of ‘casting out the net’, ‘penitent forms’, etc., for the simple but sufficient reason that neither Christ not his apostles ever did so! Needless to say I was often criticized: yet God was pleased to honour my faith as the Day to come will show.” - A. W. Pink

Archived articles available on this site
Way of Salvation
New birth
Fear of the Lord
Saving Faith
Is Christ your Lord
He is Sovereign
Doctor or Brother
Christmas is coming
Divine Sovereignty
pray to turn my heart back again
Best of men
Present day evangelism
Cause of Salvation

Other articles available at Pink’s archives

April 23, 2004

Henry Law

Henry Law (1797 – 1884)

“Accept these, as assurance of sincere desire that you should be the happiest among the happy--the most joyous among the joyful--the most holy among the holy--the most godlike among the godly--the most saintly among the saints--the most heavenly-minded among the heavenly--the most glorious among the glorified. This state of grace will be in proportion as you dwell in Christ, and Christ in you. May your souls be wholly swallowed up in Him! Then your sins are all forgiven--and blessed will be life's little speck--glorious will be heaven's eternal day. I have the honor to be, Your faithful servant,” - Henry Law, May, 1868

available articles on this site
No cradle hold an innocent one

April 22, 2004

B. B. Warfield

Benjamin B. Warfield 1851 – 1921

Perhaps no theologian of that age is as widely read and has had his books kept in print so long as Warfield. He had published a score of books on theology and biblical subjects in addition to numerous pamphlets and addresses. An accomplished linguist of Hebrew and Greek he seemed to be at home in writing mostly on theology. He was a committed Calvinist with a high regard for the West Minster Confessions. He held to the inherent scriptures and demonstrated a sense of complete dependence on God for all things including especially his sense of indebtedness as a lost sinner to His grace. Born near Lexington Kentucky he went on to get his arts degree at Princeton. Later trained for the ministry at Princeton Theology Seminary. He first became an assistant minister at the First Presbyterian Church in Dayton, Ohio. Less than a year later he moved to Baltimore and was the assistant minister their. In later years he became professor of didactic and polemical theology at Princeton Theology Seminary where he succeeded A.A. Hodge. Among his writings are “An introduction to the textual criticism of the New Testament”, “The Acts and Pastoral Epistles”. In addition he fought a running battle over Biblical inerrancy which he defended vigorously, some of these articles appear in the Presbyterian and Reformed review.

“A minister must be both learned and religious. It is not a matter of choosing between the two. He must study, but he must study as in the presence of God and not in a secular spirit. He must recognize the privilege of pursuing his studies in the environment where God and salvation from sin are the air he breathes.” – B.B. Warfield

Archived articles available on this site
What is Calvinism?

No other archives available

April 21, 2004

John Calvin

John Calvin 1509 – 1564

Calvin’s overwhelming theme was the absolute sovereign will of God. His theology has been separated into 5 parts; the Total depravity of man, the Unconditional election of man by the grace of God, Limited atonement of the sacrifice of Christ, The Irresistible calling of the Holy Spirit, and the eternal and everlasting Perseverance of saints. This French theologian was, after Martin Luther, the guiding spirit of the Protestant Reformation. If Luther sounded the trumpet for reform, Calvin orchestrated the score by which the Reformation became a part of Western civilization. Calvin studied in Paris, probably from 1521 to 1526, where he was introduced to humanistic scholarship and to appeals for reform of the church. He then studied law at his father's bidding from about 1525 to 1530. When his father died in 1531, Calvin turned immediately to his first love - study of the classics and theology. Between 1526 and 1531, he experienced a distinctly Protestant conversion. "God," he wrote much later, "at last turned my course in another direction by the secret rein of his providence." Calvin's first published work was a commentary on Seneca's De Clementia (1532). This was followed by a profusion of influential commentaries on books of the Bible followed.

Calvinism (distinguished by the 5 points or T.U.L.I.P) produced the church-dominated societies of Geneva and Puritan New England. Calvinism, stressing the absolute sovereignty of God's will, held that only those whom God specifically elects are saved, that this election is irresistible, and that individuals can do nothing to effect this salvation. This strict Calvinism was challenged by Jacobus Arminius, whose more fleshly views were adopted by most Methodists and the Baptists. Calvinism challenged most churches throughout Europe, spread to Scotland, influenced the Puritans of England, and received its expression in the United States in the modified New England theology of the elder Jonathan Edwards.

“We must, in my opinion, diligently observe the three following points: First, whatever our mind conceives of God, whatever our tongue utters, should savor of his excellence, match the loftiness of his sacred name, and lastly, serve to glorify his greatness. Secondly, we should not rashly or perversely abuse his Holy Word and worshipful mysteries either for the sake of our own ambition, or greed, or amusement; but, as they bear the dignity of his name imprinted upon them, they should ever be honored and prized among us. Finally, we should not defame or detract from his works, as miserable men are wont abusively to cry out against him; but whatever we recognize as done by him we should speak of with praise of his wisdom, righteousness, and goodness.” – John Calvin

Archived articles available on this site
Shall I not in that day, saith the Lord
Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord
Justification by Faith

Articles and commentaries available at John Calvin University

April 20, 2004

John Bunyan

John Bunyan 1628 – 1688

The objective testimony of the Bible and the historical work of Christ in salvation became the principle dynamics in Bunyan's theology. Bunyan settled the gospel on Christ and never left that settlement. Bunyan preached in the framework of a Calvinistic theological system, but he was not interested "to see people drink in opinions if they seemed ignorant of Jesus Christ." Instead, he concentrated on the greatness of sin and the need of Christ. Bunyan was born in the agricultural midlands of England. He had little schooling. He became a lay preacher of a Baptist congregation. After the Restoration in 1660, Bunyan (under suspicion for having fought on the anti-Anglican side during the English Civil War) was ordered to preach no more, and, since he refused to desist, he was several times sentenced to jail, where he spent his time studying, preaching to his fellow prisoners, and writing. His first substantial work was an autobiography, Grace Abounding To the Chief of Sinners. This was followed by other works, of which by far the most read and most loved is his The Pilgrim's Progress From This World To That Which Is To Come, usually called Pilgrim's Progress. The work recounts in allegorical form the experience of a person (called Christian), from his first awareness of his sinfulness and spiritual need, to his personal conversion to Christ, to his walk as a believer. He is shown as a pilgrim in this world on his way to the "Celestial City," which will be his true home forever. The work was an immediate sensation, and its popularity endured. For a century and more thereafter, the second largest selling book of all time and the one familiar to all English-speaking Christians was Pilgrim’s Progress. Second only to the Bible.

“In my preaching I have really been in pain, and have, as it were, travailed to bring forth children to God; neither could I be satisfied unless some fruits did appear in my work. If I were fruitless it mattered not who commended me; but if I were fruitful, I cared not who did condemn.” – John Bunyan

Archived articles available on this site
Unconditional Pardon
Fathers duty to his family
Every bitter cup

Other articles are available at John Bunyan archives

April 19, 2004

John Gill

John Gill 1697 – 1771

In 74 years he was able to acquire a scope of Biblical knowledge and enjoy a degree of usefulness seldom attained by any man. This knowledge and God given insight is seen in his writings and theological studies. Gill was a strict Calvinist and believed that scripture was its own best interpreter, and he appealed to the infallibility of the Bible. Through his remarkable preaching and pastoral labors, Gill has and continues to influence generations of young ministers and serious scholars. Gill was called to pastor the Strict Baptist Church in 1720, which he continued to pastor for 51 years. Eventually the Strict Baptist Church would evolve into the Metropolitan Tabernacle which would be pastored by Charles Spurgeon for over 35 years. To say that Gill influenced evangelical Christians in general is like saying the sun influences the daytime. He was the first Baptist to develop a complete systematic theology and also the first Baptist to write a verse-by-verse commentary on the entire Bible. An indefatigable scholar and writer, "Dr. Voluminous," as he was affectionately called, published more than then ten thousand pages during his lifetime. One of his most prominent works “A Body of Doctrinal & Practical Divinity”.

“Besides the understanding of spiritual things, which God gives in common to his people, he gives to his ministers a larger understanding of divine things, and of the scriptures and the truths of them; he opens their understandings, as Christ did his disciples, that they may understand the scriptures; he gives unto them to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, to a greater degree than he does to others; and he enlarges their understandings, and increases their gifts, their light, and knowledge; that he might be better instructed in everything relative to his office, as an evangelist and minister of the word, the pillar and ground of truth; and which is the principal end of writing this;” – John Gill

No archived articles available on this site at this time

Other articles are available at John Gill archives

April 18, 2004

Martin Luther

Martin Luther 1483 – 1546

Very few historical figures are as controversial as Martin Luther. His supporters call him a Protestant hero, a freedom fighter, a wise and insightful church leader. His detractors call him a heretic, an apostate, a profane ecclesiastical terrorist. Still others call him a necessary evil or the unwitting catalyst guided by the Spirit that set aflame a volatile social and ecclesiastical situation. Luther, himself, often called himself a simple monk or a simple Christian. He marveled that a straight-forward stand of conscience had turned him into one of the most-talked-about people of his time. Yet that simple Christian and that simple stand of conscience started an ecclesiastical shock wave that changed the course of the church. But Luther himself saw the Reformation as something far more important than a revolt against ecclesiastical abuses. He believed it was a fight for the gospel. Luther even stated that he would have happily yielded every point of dispute to the Pope, if only the Pope had affirmed the gospel. And at the heart of the gospel, in Luther's estimation, was the doctrine of justification by faith--the teaching that Christ's own righteousness is imputed to those who believe, and on that ground alone, they are accepted by God. Luther began the Protestant Reformation with the publication of his Ninety-Five Theses on October 31, 1517 that he nailed to the door of Castle Church. In the Ninety-Five Theses he attacked the Church’s sale of indulgences. He advocated a theology that rested on God’s gracious activity in Jesus Christ, rather than in human works. Luther was a champion of sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and sola scriptura (Scriptures alone). The history of Luther’s life is not simply the history of the professor of Wittenberg. He was a man used by God who became the leader of a movement that spread to the point that nearly all Protestant Churches today could trace their history back to Him in one way or another.

“Lord God, You have appointed me as a Bishop and Pastor in Your Church, but you see how unsuited I am to meet so great and difficult a task. If I had lacked Your help, I would have ruined everything long ago. Therefore, I call upon You: I wish to devote my mouth and my heart to you; I shall teach the people. I myself will learn and ponder diligently upon You Word. Use me as Your instrument -- but do not forsake me, for if ever I should be on my own, I would easily wreck it all. Amen” Martin Luther

Archived articles available on this site
Putting on
How to be a great Theologian
Eight statments on Justifying Faith

Other articles and catechisms available at Martin Luther archives

April 17, 2004

George Whitefield

George Whitefield 1714-1770

He was a gifted English preacher and writer with a recurring intimate note of “My breathern, I beseech you”. Whitefield theme in all of his writings is the basic evangelical message of man’s irremediable sinfulness and Christ’s effective salvation. Born at Gloucester, he was educated there and at Pembroke College in Oxford where associated with those who formed the “Holy Club” and who would later be known as the first Methodist. He was subsequently ordained and later went to Georgia to meet up with John Wesley. This association with Wesley early on quickly gave way to differences in their views of salvation. Wesley adopted the Arminian interpretation and Whitefield the Calvinistic.

“Suffer me not then to go away without my errand; as it is the last time I shall speak to you, let me not speak in vain; but let a sense of the divine goodness lead you to repentance.” – George Whitefield farewell sermon

Archived articles available on this site
Great duty of Family Religion
To ye dear souls
How to listen to a sermon
Marks of True Conversion

Other articles and sermons available at George Whitefield collection

April 16, 2004

Cesar Malan

Henri Abraham César Malan 1787-1864

He was a prolific author, a renowned theologian and an indefatigable evangelist, whose labours led him across much of the European continent preaching God's absolute sovereignty. He was very poetic in his writings and through the Spirit spoke to the heart compelling them to reconcile to God. After completing his education, Malan went to Marseilles, France, intending to learn business. But soon after, he entered the Academy at Geneva, in preparation for the ministry, and he was ordained in 1810. He later found himself in conflict with the ecclesiastical powers of Geneva and was forbidden to preach on election and related doctrines. When Malan disagreed with these orders he was expelled from the church. He and some from the church formed a small group that meet in his home then He later joined the Scottish Church in Switzerland and became a long-time pastor of l'Eglise du Témoignage in Geneva. After 1830 he engaged in frequent missionary tours to other parts. In addition to his many missionary works and writings he was also the composer of a large number of hymns, some of which are still used in worship today.

“My Savior’s praises I will sing,
And all His love express;
Whose mercies each returning day
Proclaim His faithfulness.” Everyday I Will Bless you - Hymn by Cesar Malan

Archived articles available on this site
Saviour did not die in vain

Some of his hymns may be found at Cesar Malan hymns

April 15, 2004

Octavius Winslow

Octavius Winslow, 1808-1878

Winslow stood out as a one of the foremost Baptist preachers in the nineteenth century. His Christ centered writings show devotion, practicality, and excellence. He seems to be richly devotional and warms the soul and inflames the heart with a sincere love, reverence, and glorification of Christ. He was a direct descendant of Edward Winslow, a pilgrim leader who braved the Atlantic to come to the New World on the Mayflower. After the death of His father his mother moved Him and her nine other children to New York. They were said to be a deeply religious family and Octavius later wrote a book about his family’s experiences from his mother perspective titled “The Life in Jesus”. Winslow followed after two of his brothers and was ordained as a pastor in 1833 in New York. He later moved to England where he became one of the most valued nonconformist ministers of the nineteenth century, largely due to the earnestness of his preaching and the excellence of his prolific writings. He held pastorates in Leamington Spa, Bath, and Brighton. He was also a popular speaker for special occasions, such as the opening of C. H. Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle in 1861. After a short illness, he died on March 5, 1878, and was buried in Abbey Cemetery, Bath. During His life he wrote more than forty books in which he preached on the truths of God. Some of these books include 'Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul.'

"Our desire is that the Holy Spirit, who is the Divine Revealer and Interpreter of Christ and His truth, may impart to your hearts a sober, spiritual and sanctifying receptivity of His Word; abasing self, and exalting Christ! Our intention is to unfold and illustrate the Lord Jesus Christ in the relation in which He stands to His people; to unveil His glory, beauty, and fullness; to define the close bond of union that unites to Him all His people; and to bring you into a more personal realization of what Christ is to you, and of what you are to Christ." - Octavius Winslow

Archived articles available on this site
God unto Himself
Bad tree
Human guidance
Has the Gospel Christianized your home?
After all that I have done
He has guided our feet there
This divine and marvelous fountain
His life mine, my death His
Why was His soul troubled

Other articles available at Octavius Winslow archives
Other devotionals Morning thoughts & Evening thoughts

April 14, 2004

Joseph Philpot

Joseph Charles Philpot 1802-1869

His preaching and writings were marked by clear views of gospel truth; an ability to set forth the deepest truths in a simple manner; a wealth of similes from the grace of God to open up and explain the things of God; and a clear discernment of the vital distinction between a mere profession of Christ and a true saving knowledge of Him. He was born at Ripple, Kent (where his father was rector). Educated at Oxford University, he was elected a fellow of Worcester College, and appeared to have a brilliant scholastic career before him. But the Lord's purposes being otherwise, he was brought into solemn concern spiritually and led into a deep and gracious understanding of the truth. He first preached in the Established Church at Stadhampton (Oxfordshire). In 1835, however, he was constrained, for the truth's sake, to sever his connection with the Church of England and to resign his curacy and his fellowship. The letter to the provost stating his reasons was published and went into several editions. The same year, he was baptized by John Warburton at Allington (Wilts). The rest of his life was spent labouring among the Strict Baptists. For 26 years, he held a joint pastorate at Stamford (Lines.) and Oakham (Rutland). In addition for over twenty years, he was editor of "The Gospel Standard", where many of his sermons first appeared. Here he ably contended for truth and refuted error, and in his reviews, addresses and meditations maintained a remarkably high standard, both literary and spiritual.

"My desire is to exalt the grace of God; to proclaim salvation alone through Jesus Christ; to declare the sinfulness, helplessness and hopelessness of man in a state of nature; to describe the living experience of the children of God in their trials, temptations, sorrows, consolations and blessings." - J.C. Philpot

Archived articles available on this site
Religious Animal
Little heathen
Cain, Saul, Ahab, and Judas
At the Cross
Dead and dark season
Religion which I want
Whole Apparatus of Religion
The end will make amends for it all
Natural Religiosity
My path
Precious and Glorious
Faults of
Great men

Three Books

Other articles and sermons available at J.C. Philpot archives

April 13, 2004

Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834–1892

With his keen sense of humor, allied with a sure grasp of scripture and a deep love of Christ, he produced some of the noblest preaching and writing of his or any age. In 1852, at age 18, he took charge of a small congregation at Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, and, at 20, went to London as pastor of the New Park St. Chapel. His immediate popularity made necessary larger buildings for his audiences, until the huge Metropolitan Tabernacle, erected for his use, was opened in 1861. Around this developed a pastors' college, an orphanage, and missions. During much of his time at the Metropolitan Tabernacle Spurgeon's sermons were published weekly and later were collected in a 50 volume set. His messages were diffidently Christ centered and in his early ministry focused on two fronts, against hyper-Calvinism and Arminianism. With his views founded solidly in the Gospel he opposed the doctrine of baptismal regeneration, which ultimately caused his withdrawal in 1864 from the Evangelical Alliance. He then later separated (1887) from the Baptist Union because he believed that modern biblical criticism was threatening orthodoxy. Among his numerous publications are John Ploughman's Talks (1869) and The Treasury of David (7 vol., 1870–85). His autobiography (4 vol., 1897–1900), compiled by his wife from his diary and letters, was edited and condensed (1946) by D. O. Fuller.

“The best sermons are the sermons which are most full of Christ. A sermon without Christ.... it is an awful, a horrible thing; it is an empty well; it is a cloud without rain; it is a tree twice dead, plucked by the roots.” – C.H. Spurgeon

Archived articles available on this site
Christ property
Are you chosen?
Little secret
Thus says the Lord
Sovereign electing grace of God
Best sermons
Soft pillows
No apology
Illuminated Bible
God’s promises
Salvation by grace
Christmas Superstition
Glory in Damnation
Enternal, absolute predestination
Deadly, destructive, damming
Sound Theologians
Is conversion necessary
Sheep and thier Shepherd
No new doctrine
Contemplation of the Divinity
Growing in Grace
Way to Hell
True Love to Christ
What have I done
True Faith
Jesus deserves our best
Their homes were holy places

Other articles and sermons available at Spureon Archives

April 12, 2004

Bruce Crabtree, Pastor

Bruce Crabtree, Pastor

Sovereign Grace Church
P.O. Box 293
1806 Hunter Ave
New Castle, IN 47362
No e-mail available at this time

No web page available at this time

Archived articles available on this site
Dying to self

April 11, 2004

Art Crawford, Pastor

Art Crawford, Pastor

Riverside Bible Church
5330 Olentangy River Road
Columbus, Ohio 43235-3414
(614) 451-0603
e-mail may be accessed through Church site

Web page

No archived articles available on this site at this time

Other audio sermons available at Art Crawford church web site

April 10, 2004

Milton Howard, Pastor

Milton Howard, Pastor
Kitchens Creek Baptist Church
P.O. Box 740
Ball, LA 71045
(318) 640-5580

web page

Archived articles available on this site
Water that He gives
Way of Salvation

other articles available at Milton Howard pastor’s desk

April 08, 2004

Doug Weaver, Pastor

Doug Weaver, Pastor
Millsite Baptist Church
P.O. Box 333
Cottageville, WV 25239
(304) 273-5624

Web page

Archived articles available on this site
God Must be Glorified
Does God save sinners under false preaching?

other articles available at Doug Weaver archives

April 07, 2004

Maurice Montgomery, Pastor

Maurice Montgomery, Pastor
Bible Baptist Church
Madisonville, KY
No e-mail available at this time

No web page available at this time

Archived articles available on this site
God Forbid

other articles available at Maurice Montgomery archives

April 01, 2004

Rupert Rivenbark, Pastor

Rupert Rivenbark, Pastor
Bethel Baptist Church
Rt. 1 Box 462 A - Spring Lake, NC 28390
Phone # (910) 497-5627

Archived articles available on this site:

Daniel Parks, Pastor

Daniel Parks, Pastor
Daniel Parks, Pastor
2801 Cleveland Blvd. - Louisville, KY 40206
Phone # (502) 899-9205

Redeemer Baptist Church
Grace for Today

Archived articles available on this site:

other articles available at: Daniel Parks Author Page

Tom Harding, Pastor

Tom Harding, Pastor
6088 Zebulon Highway Pikeville, KY. 41501
Telephone: (606) 631-9053

Zebulon Baptist Church
Soverign Grace.com

Archived articles available on this site:

other articles available at: Tom Harding’s Author Page