September 03, 2004


Consider how Christ, the Son of God, by Himself, has certainly purged His people from their sins. He was delivered up for their offenses, and He was raised again for their justification. Try to grasp the extent to which He saved and redeemed (before God) the people on whose behalf He had been smitten of God. He redeemed them as effectively as a benefactor who secured the release from prison of a debtor, by first assuming responsibility for his debt and then cancelling it BY PAYING IT IN FULL!

Gaze in wonder and adoration on this sovereign love of God, who loved those whom it pleased Him to love. He was not pleased simply to invite them to be saved nor to make salvation possible for them. No, the Lord has actually saved and redeemed them in the Lord Jesus Christ because He, being one with them, passed through the hell and condemnation that should have been theirs. HE HAS GIVEN THEM HIS LIFE, HAVING TAKEN THEIR DEATH ON HIMSELF!

In view of this salvation that has been accomplished by our Saviour, I am not afraid to say to you who are near to entering His presence, "Rejoice in anticipation of the glory which you already possess by faith; for this is the pledge which God Himself has given to the elect of His sovereign love, which was already theirs in Christ Jesus even before time began." I speak of a salvation which has either already been accomplished by our Saviour, or else it never will be.