Luke 10:39
What a world of meaning is in these words, "Mary, which also sat at his feet, and heard his word." This is indeed the "one thing needful." It means peace for those who sit at his feet, for they who submit to him have peace through his precious blood. It means holiness, they who learn of the Lord Jesus, learn the horridness of sin, but he teaches them "things lovely and pure." It also means strength, sitting at his feet they learn by him that he is all their strength, for he is their food, his righteousness their clothing. It means wisdom, he who instructs them in his word is the very Wisdom of God. He teaches them that this is true wisdom, that makes the wisdom of the world to be foolishness.
"Sitting at his feet" means zeal, for the love of their Lord Jesus fires up their heart and soul. They become zealous for his name, for his gospel, for his glory. It means loyalty, for they are loyal to their sovereign, their King, who is the King Of Kings. They serve under his banner, and they will be loyal to him all the days of their lives, they are loyal to his commands, his laws. For it was him who defeated all their enemies, and is the "captain of their salvation."
The long and the short of "sitting at his feet to hear his word, is the one thing needful." (Luke 10:39-42). We who believe do indeed love him, for he first loved us. O beloved, what a world of blessings there are in "sitting at his feet, hearing his word." Don Bell