Col 3:12 “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;”
In the epistle for New Year's day we have sufficiently explained the meaning of "putting on"; how by faith we put on Christ, and he us; how in love we put on our neighbor, and our neighbor us. The Christian apparel is of two kinds faith and love. Christ wore two manner of garments one whole and typical of faith, the other divided and typical of love. Paul here has reference to the latter garment, love. He would teach us Christians the manner of ornaments and apparel we are to wear in the world; not silk or precious gold. To women these are forbidden of Peter ( 1 Pet 3, 3), and of Paul (1 Tim 2, 9). Love for our neighbor is a garment well befitting us -that. love which leads us to concern ourselves about the neighbor and his misfortunes. Such love is called the ornament of a Christian character an ornament in the eyes of men. by Martin Luther New Year’s eve address
"The sovereign electing grace of God chooses us to repentance, to faith, and afterwards to holiness of living, to Christian service, to zeal, and to devotion." - Charles Spurgeon
December 31, 2004
December 30, 2004
Preach repentance by Eric Wilson
Mark 6:12 “And they went out, and preached that men should repent.”
So what is it to repent? What are we commanded to do? Repentance is toward God (Acts 20:21). It is not merely knowing your nature or confessing that you sin against someone but it is being brought to the knowledge that you have spit in the face of the Lord and your nature is total rebellion against His authority. Your repentance is toward the one whom you have offended, it is toward the one that suffered for that sin and nature, it is seeing that each sin against His holy law was one more hammer of the nail that drove into His flesh of His hand. It is weeping that yours and your nature alone was the spear that pierced His side. Repentance is a life long journey that continues to bring us closer to Christ (Rom 7:15-25). Both repentance and faith are necessary and we will not have one without the other. Without repentance releasing the filthy rags it once clung to, faith would not have had empty hands to grasp His grace. Without repentance hating what it once loved, faith could not love what it once hated. Faith could never cry for mercy, if repentance didn’t cry unclean. Repentance is more than just confessing your sins it is a state of heart (I Thes 1:9). It is loathing your flesh and praising His righteousness. It is turning from your sins and turning to God. And so I pray by His grace I shall carry both faith and repentance with me all the way to the gates of Heaven. For each day by His grace as I grow repentance shows me the evil and sins I abhor more and more while faith shows me the light and promise He has provided that I love and rest in more and more. Taken in part from Heart of Doctrine "Do you need to Repent?"
So what is it to repent? What are we commanded to do? Repentance is toward God (Acts 20:21). It is not merely knowing your nature or confessing that you sin against someone but it is being brought to the knowledge that you have spit in the face of the Lord and your nature is total rebellion against His authority. Your repentance is toward the one whom you have offended, it is toward the one that suffered for that sin and nature, it is seeing that each sin against His holy law was one more hammer of the nail that drove into His flesh of His hand. It is weeping that yours and your nature alone was the spear that pierced His side. Repentance is a life long journey that continues to bring us closer to Christ (Rom 7:15-25). Both repentance and faith are necessary and we will not have one without the other. Without repentance releasing the filthy rags it once clung to, faith would not have had empty hands to grasp His grace. Without repentance hating what it once loved, faith could not love what it once hated. Faith could never cry for mercy, if repentance didn’t cry unclean. Repentance is more than just confessing your sins it is a state of heart (I Thes 1:9). It is loathing your flesh and praising His righteousness. It is turning from your sins and turning to God. And so I pray by His grace I shall carry both faith and repentance with me all the way to the gates of Heaven. For each day by His grace as I grow repentance shows me the evil and sins I abhor more and more while faith shows me the light and promise He has provided that I love and rest in more and more. Taken in part from Heart of Doctrine "Do you need to Repent?"
December 29, 2004
Confess your sins by Eric Wilson
(I John 1:9-10) “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”
All men are responsible to walk in the light that God has given them (Eph 5:8). Unbelief is not a passive thing. If you go to hell it is based solely on your sins. As much as redemption is only on the price that He paid, damnation is only on your transgressions you made. The sinner does not go to hell because Christ did not die for them but because they are rebels against God (Rom 1:18-20). In the justice of the Lord it is fixed so that those who die in their sins, those who die in unbelief are without excuse. Don Fortner wrote, “If you go to hell, you will have to scratch and claw your way there. Fighting to your last breath against the light God has given you.” God has commanded all to repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1:15). And those He died for shall be made willing and will freely repent. Those who do not see the necessity of faith and repentance in the presence of election and grace know not yet the depths of their sin and true mercy. For when you are brought to a place by the grace of God where you loathe your self you willfully and helplessly cry for this mercy and repent. Stated in the scriptures and as a commandment it is a necessity but more than a need it becomes for the broken sinner, presented for the first time with a grace filled heart, a desire. Does this contribute to redemption; no. This is the result of His work in you. Does not repenting and believing contribute to someone fallen into eternal damnation; yes. This is the result of their works (Heb 12:14). Taken in part from Heart of Doctrine "Do you need to Repent?"
All men are responsible to walk in the light that God has given them (Eph 5:8). Unbelief is not a passive thing. If you go to hell it is based solely on your sins. As much as redemption is only on the price that He paid, damnation is only on your transgressions you made. The sinner does not go to hell because Christ did not die for them but because they are rebels against God (Rom 1:18-20). In the justice of the Lord it is fixed so that those who die in their sins, those who die in unbelief are without excuse. Don Fortner wrote, “If you go to hell, you will have to scratch and claw your way there. Fighting to your last breath against the light God has given you.” God has commanded all to repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1:15). And those He died for shall be made willing and will freely repent. Those who do not see the necessity of faith and repentance in the presence of election and grace know not yet the depths of their sin and true mercy. For when you are brought to a place by the grace of God where you loathe your self you willfully and helplessly cry for this mercy and repent. Stated in the scriptures and as a commandment it is a necessity but more than a need it becomes for the broken sinner, presented for the first time with a grace filled heart, a desire. Does this contribute to redemption; no. This is the result of His work in you. Does not repenting and believing contribute to someone fallen into eternal damnation; yes. This is the result of their works (Heb 12:14). Taken in part from Heart of Doctrine "Do you need to Repent?"
December 28, 2004
After All that I have done by Octavious Winslow
"Only acknowledge your guilt. Admit that you rebelled against the Lord your God and committed adultery against Him by worshiping idols under every green tree. Confess that you refused to follow Me. I, the Lord, have spoken!" Jer. 3:13
God has laid great stress in His word upon the confession of sin. How touching His language addressed to His backsliding people, whose backslidings were of a most aggravated character; than which none could have been of deeper guilt, seeing that they had committed the sin of idolatry! "Only acknowledge your guilt." This was all that He required at their hands. "Only acknowledge." Poor penitent soul, bending in tears and self reproaches over this page, read these words again and again, and yet again, until they have scattered all your dark, repelling thoughts of this sin forgiving God, winning you to His feet as His restored and comforted child, "only acknowledge your guilt."
"What! Lord! after all that I have done, after . . .
my base returns, my repeated wanderings, my aggravated transgressions, my complicated iniquity, my sins against conviction, light, and love; do You still stretch out your hand to me, a poor, wretched wanderer as I am? Do You go forth to meet, to welcome, to pardon me? Do You watch the first kindling of penitence, the first tear of contrition, the first word of confession, 'Father, I have sinned!' Lord, I fall at Your feet, the greatest of sinners . . .
Your power has drawn me,
Your love has subdued me,
Your grace has conquered me!"
Octavious Winslow
God has laid great stress in His word upon the confession of sin. How touching His language addressed to His backsliding people, whose backslidings were of a most aggravated character; than which none could have been of deeper guilt, seeing that they had committed the sin of idolatry! "Only acknowledge your guilt." This was all that He required at their hands. "Only acknowledge." Poor penitent soul, bending in tears and self reproaches over this page, read these words again and again, and yet again, until they have scattered all your dark, repelling thoughts of this sin forgiving God, winning you to His feet as His restored and comforted child, "only acknowledge your guilt."
"What! Lord! after all that I have done, after . . .
my base returns, my repeated wanderings, my aggravated transgressions, my complicated iniquity, my sins against conviction, light, and love; do You still stretch out your hand to me, a poor, wretched wanderer as I am? Do You go forth to meet, to welcome, to pardon me? Do You watch the first kindling of penitence, the first tear of contrition, the first word of confession, 'Father, I have sinned!' Lord, I fall at Your feet, the greatest of sinners . . .
Your power has drawn me,
Your love has subdued me,
Your grace has conquered me!"
Octavious Winslow
December 27, 2004
Glory in Damnation! By C.H. Spurgeon
At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Even so, Father, for this was your good pleasure." (Matthew 11:25-26)
Is God glorified in the damnation of the wise and prudent?
Yes, tremendous fact! At the winding up of this world's drama, God will be glorified in the men that shut their eyes against his grace, as well as in the men whose eyes are opened to receive it. The 'yells of hell' shall be but the deep bass of the everlasting music of which the 'songs in heaven' are the sweeter high notes.
God, the terrible one, shall have praise from the wise and prudent when their folly shall be discovered, when their wisdom shall be dashed in pieces or torn to shreds.
God, the terrible avenger of his own gospel shall be glorified when those are cast out, who having heard the gospel were too wise to believe it, and having listened to it were too prudent to give their praise to it. In either case God is glorified, and in either case Christ devoutly gives thanks. by C.H. Spurgen
Is God glorified in the damnation of the wise and prudent?
Yes, tremendous fact! At the winding up of this world's drama, God will be glorified in the men that shut their eyes against his grace, as well as in the men whose eyes are opened to receive it. The 'yells of hell' shall be but the deep bass of the everlasting music of which the 'songs in heaven' are the sweeter high notes.
God, the terrible one, shall have praise from the wise and prudent when their folly shall be discovered, when their wisdom shall be dashed in pieces or torn to shreds.
God, the terrible avenger of his own gospel shall be glorified when those are cast out, who having heard the gospel were too wise to believe it, and having listened to it were too prudent to give their praise to it. In either case God is glorified, and in either case Christ devoutly gives thanks. by C.H. Spurgen
December 25, 2004
The Spirit of Christmas by E. Wilson
I suppose no greater time of the year manifests the nature of man than this season. Throughout the year many churches seem to pervert the gospel and preach a more palatable sermon to the flesh. They teach lessons and stories and ignore the message of Christ finished work. They bring the world into the church to entice the worshipers and discard His abilities and work. They add to the theatrics with pictures, idles, and symbols of blasphemy. And every week under the pretense of spirituality the lost wonder in to fill their emotional needs only to be empty by that afternoon. With that it should not surprise any of us the apparent zeal people go into this holiday season with every year. But still my heart sinks to see all that man does with the pretense of religion. They take what they know as religion and mix it with the world. Christmas was clearly brought over from Paganism to entice those to the Roman Church. Christmas services of today teach stories and ignore the message of Christ life, death, resurrection, ascension, and Word. Nowhere in the scripture speaks of or records a celebration of Jesus birth, but the same scriptures says clearly we should remember His death. Ignoring this many not only embrace and celebrate the nativity but change it to fit a 60 minute pageant. They worship it with idles and symbols and fight for idolatrous nativity scenes to be displayed in public. And on December 25th there are those that exhibit joy in the remembrance of the birth of Jesus, but seek no pleasure in the Savior. It seems for this single day the religion of self is amplified to demonstrate the flesh more than usual. There is no different it appears than any other day.
And so it should be for you and me as well. We should spend this day and season as we should spend every day of the year. Believers should spend every day in thanks and praise to God for His gift of His Son. We should embrace songs such as Joy to the World and sing them all year round. Since it is not improper but lawful to meditate upon the Lord on any day it shouldn’t be in the power of other men’s superstition, or our own, to make such a meditation improper for this one day as well. We need not act like super-pious religious idiots over a day that truly has absolutely no more religious significance than any other. And like any other day we should live it to serve the Lord. And like any other day we should give thanks to Him. Let us remember that everyday and opportunity is provided us by divine providence. The day may be afforded us to tell everyone who Christ is, to preach the message of His finished work, to call everyone to reconcile to God. It is not by accident that once a year all unbelievers are faced with the truth that Christ became flesh to save His elect.
With all of this, I am not saying it is wrong to come together, give gifts, send cards, or especially give thanks for the gift of His Son. I enjoy, most of the time, this season and the good will it promotes. And I love, am humbled, and honored for any opportunity to praise the lord and share the meaning of His Son and the Gift of Grace. Let us repent from any religiosity and false representations of Christ. This day like any other day let us exalt it to glorify God.
And so it should be for you and me as well. We should spend this day and season as we should spend every day of the year. Believers should spend every day in thanks and praise to God for His gift of His Son. We should embrace songs such as Joy to the World and sing them all year round. Since it is not improper but lawful to meditate upon the Lord on any day it shouldn’t be in the power of other men’s superstition, or our own, to make such a meditation improper for this one day as well. We need not act like super-pious religious idiots over a day that truly has absolutely no more religious significance than any other. And like any other day we should live it to serve the Lord. And like any other day we should give thanks to Him. Let us remember that everyday and opportunity is provided us by divine providence. The day may be afforded us to tell everyone who Christ is, to preach the message of His finished work, to call everyone to reconcile to God. It is not by accident that once a year all unbelievers are faced with the truth that Christ became flesh to save His elect.
With all of this, I am not saying it is wrong to come together, give gifts, send cards, or especially give thanks for the gift of His Son. I enjoy, most of the time, this season and the good will it promotes. And I love, am humbled, and honored for any opportunity to praise the lord and share the meaning of His Son and the Gift of Grace. Let us repent from any religiosity and false representations of Christ. This day like any other day let us exalt it to glorify God.
December 23, 2004
The gift of Christmas by Don Fortner
While I loathe the religiosity of this holiday season, the silly plays, the idolatrous pictures and representations of Christ and the angels of God, and pretense of spirituality by people who have no interest in the glory of God, I am delighted for this season of the year (for any season) that brings families together, encourages kindness and good will, and promotes thoughtfulness of and generosity to others. It is perfectly all right to exchange gifts with and send cards to family and friends. (I cannot imagine a reason for anyone objecting to that!) But I suggest that each of us find a way to acknowledge and do something special for someone from whom we expect nothing, maybe even from someone from whom we expect abuse. “Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” - Don Fortner
December 22, 2004
Christmas is coming by A.W. Pink
Christmas is coming! Quite so; but what is "Christmas"? Does not the very term itself denote its source-- "Christ-mass." Thus it is of Romish origin, brought over from Paganism. But, says someone, Christmas is the time when we commemorate the Savior's birth. It is? And who authorized such commemoration? Certainly God did not. The Redeemer bade His disciples "remember" Him in His death, but there is not a word in Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, which tells us to celebrate His birth... -
By Arthur Pink
By Arthur Pink
December 20, 2004
Christmas Superstition by C.H. Spurgeon
We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas. First, because we do not believe in the mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be sung in Latin or in English. Secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Savior; and consequently, its observance is a superstition, because not of divine authority. 'Superstition' has fixed most positively the day of our Savior's birth, although there is no possibility of discovering when it occurred. ... It was not till the middle of the third century that any part of the Church celebrated the nativity of our Lord; and it was not till very long after the Western Church had set the example, that the Eastern adopted it.... Probably the fact is that the "holy" days were arranged to fit in with the heathen festivals. We venture to assert, that if there be any day in the year, of which we may be pretty sure that it was not the day on which the Savior was born, it is the 25th of December. ... Regarding not the day, let us, nevertheless, give God thanks for the gift of His dear Son. – C.H. Spurgeon
December 16, 2004
Salvation by Grace by CH Spurgeon
No sinner will ever come to Christ apart from the quickening, enlightening, drawing, converting power of the Holy Spirit, supernaturally exercised upon the conscience and heart. Until grace comes into our souls we have no heart for the things of God. We may be fussily religious so far as to be attentive to every 'outward form of worship'; but there is no heart-work, no light of truth in all our devotion. But when once the divine light comes in, then we become intensely real in our dealings with God.
When the grace of God comes, the Holy Spirit brings us out from under the dominion of the old nature by creating within us a new life, and he brings us out from under the tyranny of the Prince of Darkness by opening our eyes to see, and our minds to understand celestial truth. The opening of our blind eyes and the pouring in of the light of truth are from the Lord.
The entrance of God's word into the mind by the power of the Holy Spirit gives us light as to-- ourselves, our sin, and our danger. With this comes light as to the way of salvation through Jesus Christ, and light as to the mind of God concerning our sanctification. True knowledge takes the place of ignorance, and a desire for purity becomes supreme over the love of sin. Not all the temptations of life, nor all the terrors of death, nor all the furies of hell, shall prevent any soul upon whom God has begun his work of grace from reaching eternal salvation. What a blessing is this, and what a comfort it is!
"The salvation of the righteous is of the Lord."
When the grace of God comes, the Holy Spirit brings us out from under the dominion of the old nature by creating within us a new life, and he brings us out from under the tyranny of the Prince of Darkness by opening our eyes to see, and our minds to understand celestial truth. The opening of our blind eyes and the pouring in of the light of truth are from the Lord.
The entrance of God's word into the mind by the power of the Holy Spirit gives us light as to-- ourselves, our sin, and our danger. With this comes light as to the way of salvation through Jesus Christ, and light as to the mind of God concerning our sanctification. True knowledge takes the place of ignorance, and a desire for purity becomes supreme over the love of sin. Not all the temptations of life, nor all the terrors of death, nor all the furies of hell, shall prevent any soul upon whom God has begun his work of grace from reaching eternal salvation. What a blessing is this, and what a comfort it is!
"The salvation of the righteous is of the Lord."
December 15, 2004
Three rules for a happy marriage by J.C. Ryle
Of all relationships of life, none ought to be regarded with such reverence, and none taken in hand so cautiously as the relationship of husband and wife.
In no relationship is so much earthly happiness to be found, if it be entered upon discreetly, advisedly, and in the fear of God. In none is so much misery seen to follow, if it be taken in hand unadvisedly, lightly, wantonly, and without thought. From no step in life does so much benefit come to the soul, if people marry "in the Lord." From none does the soul take so much harm, if fancy, passion, or any mere worldly motive is the only cause which produce the union.
There is, unhappily, only too much necessity for impressing these truths upon people. It is a mournful fact, that few steps in life are generally taken with so much levity, self will, and forgetfulness of God as marriage. Few are the young couples who think of inviting Christ to their wedding! It is a mournful fact that unhappy marriages are one great cause of the misery and sorrow of which there is so much in the world. People find out too late that they have made a mistake, and go in bitterness all their days.
Happy are they, who in the matter of marriage observe three rules: The first is to marry only in the Lord, and after prayer for God's approval and blessing. The second is not to expect too much from their partners, and to remember that marriage is, after all, the union of two sinners, and not of two angels. The third rule is to strive first and foremost for one another's sanctification. The more holy married people are, the happier they are. By J.C. Ryle
In no relationship is so much earthly happiness to be found, if it be entered upon discreetly, advisedly, and in the fear of God. In none is so much misery seen to follow, if it be taken in hand unadvisedly, lightly, wantonly, and without thought. From no step in life does so much benefit come to the soul, if people marry "in the Lord." From none does the soul take so much harm, if fancy, passion, or any mere worldly motive is the only cause which produce the union.
There is, unhappily, only too much necessity for impressing these truths upon people. It is a mournful fact, that few steps in life are generally taken with so much levity, self will, and forgetfulness of God as marriage. Few are the young couples who think of inviting Christ to their wedding! It is a mournful fact that unhappy marriages are one great cause of the misery and sorrow of which there is so much in the world. People find out too late that they have made a mistake, and go in bitterness all their days.
Happy are they, who in the matter of marriage observe three rules: The first is to marry only in the Lord, and after prayer for God's approval and blessing. The second is not to expect too much from their partners, and to remember that marriage is, after all, the union of two sinners, and not of two angels. The third rule is to strive first and foremost for one another's sanctification. The more holy married people are, the happier they are. By J.C. Ryle
December 14, 2004
The training and education of children by J.C. Ryle
"For from within, out of a person's heart, come . . . evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, eagerness for lustful pleasure, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you and make you unacceptable to God." Mark 7:21-23
The heart is the chief source of defilement and impurity in God's sight. Our original sinfulness and natural inclination to evil are seldom sufficiently considered. The wickedness of people is often attributed to . . bad examples, bad company, peculiar temptations, or the snares of the devil. It seems forgotten that everyone carries within him a fountain of wickedness.
We need no bad company to teach us, and no devil to tempt us, in order to run into sin. We have within us the beginning of every sin under heaven. We ought to remember this in the training and education of children. In all our management we must never forget, that the seeds of all mischief and wickedness are in their hearts. It is not enough to keep boys and girls at home, and shut out every outward temptation. They carry within them a heart ready for any sin, and until that heart is changed they are not 'safe', whatever we do.
When children do wrong, it is a common practice to lay all the blame on bad companions. But it is mere ignorance, blindness, and foolishness to do so. Bad companions are a great evil no doubt, and an evil to be avoided as much as possible. But no bad companion teaches a boy or girl half as much sin as their own hearts will suggest to them. The beginning of all wickedness is within! If parents were half as diligent in praying for their children's conversion as they are in keeping them from bad company, their children would turn out far better than they do. by J.C. Ryle
The heart is the chief source of defilement and impurity in God's sight. Our original sinfulness and natural inclination to evil are seldom sufficiently considered. The wickedness of people is often attributed to . . bad examples, bad company, peculiar temptations, or the snares of the devil. It seems forgotten that everyone carries within him a fountain of wickedness.
We need no bad company to teach us, and no devil to tempt us, in order to run into sin. We have within us the beginning of every sin under heaven. We ought to remember this in the training and education of children. In all our management we must never forget, that the seeds of all mischief and wickedness are in their hearts. It is not enough to keep boys and girls at home, and shut out every outward temptation. They carry within them a heart ready for any sin, and until that heart is changed they are not 'safe', whatever we do.
When children do wrong, it is a common practice to lay all the blame on bad companions. But it is mere ignorance, blindness, and foolishness to do so. Bad companions are a great evil no doubt, and an evil to be avoided as much as possible. But no bad companion teaches a boy or girl half as much sin as their own hearts will suggest to them. The beginning of all wickedness is within! If parents were half as diligent in praying for their children's conversion as they are in keeping them from bad company, their children would turn out far better than they do. by J.C. Ryle
December 13, 2004
Has the Gospel Christianized your home? By Octavius Winslow
It is impossible to love Jesus ardently, to behold Him spiritually, and to study Him closely, and not be molded, in some degree, into His lovely likeness! Has the Gospel of Jesus made your temper milder, your heart purer, your life holier? Has it softened your churlishness, subdued your moroseness, sweetened your disposition, rendering you more attractable, admired, and loved? Has it converted your penuriousness into liberality, your pride into humility, your selfishness into generosity, your love of ease and sloth into active service for the Lord? Has the Gospel Christianized your home? O remember that the Gospel of Jesus has done but little for us if it has not done this! by Octavius Winslow
December 09, 2004
Family Duty: A Father's Duty to His Family –by John Bunyan
He that is the master of a family, he has, as under that relation, a work to do for God; the right governing of his own family. And his work is twofold. First, Touching the spiritual state of it. Second, Touching the outward state of it. (Josh 24:15)
First, As touching the spiritual state of his family; he should be very diligent and circumspect, doing his utmost endeavor both to increase faith where it is begun, and to begin it where it is not. For this reason, he should diligently and frequently lay before his household such things of God, out of his word, as are suitable for each particular (Phil 4:8).
Second, touching the outward state; If you are father, then you are to consider your calling under this relation. Your children have souls, and they must be born of God as well as of you, or they perish. And know also, that unless you be very circumspect in your behavior to and before them, they may perish through you: the thoughts of which should provoke you, both to instruct, and also to correct them (Eph 6:4; Deu 6:7). If you are a husband, in a word, be such a husband to your believing wife, that she may say, God has not only given me a husband, but such a husband as preaches to me everyday the behavior of Christ to his church (Eph 5:8, 29). by John Bunyan
First, As touching the spiritual state of his family; he should be very diligent and circumspect, doing his utmost endeavor both to increase faith where it is begun, and to begin it where it is not. For this reason, he should diligently and frequently lay before his household such things of God, out of his word, as are suitable for each particular (Phil 4:8).
Second, touching the outward state; If you are father, then you are to consider your calling under this relation. Your children have souls, and they must be born of God as well as of you, or they perish. And know also, that unless you be very circumspect in your behavior to and before them, they may perish through you: the thoughts of which should provoke you, both to instruct, and also to correct them (Eph 6:4; Deu 6:7). If you are a husband, in a word, be such a husband to your believing wife, that she may say, God has not only given me a husband, but such a husband as preaches to me everyday the behavior of Christ to his church (Eph 5:8, 29). by John Bunyan
December 08, 2004
Great Duty of Family Religion - by George Whitefield
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." - Joshua 24:15
These words contain the holy resolution of pious Joshua, who having in a most moving, affectionate discourse recounted to the Israelites what great things God had done for them, in the verse immediately preceding the text, comes to draw a proper inference from what he had been delivering; and acquaints them, in the most pressing terms, that since God had been so exceeding gracious unto them, they could do not less, than out of gratitude for such uncommon favors and mercies, dedicate both themselves and families to his service. "Now therefore, fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and truth, and put away the Gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood." And by the same engaging motive does the prophet Samuel afterwards enforce their obedience to the commandments of God, 1 Sam. 12:24, "Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth, with all your heart; for consider how great things he hath done for you." But then, that they might not excuse themselves (as too many might be apt to do) by his giving them a bad example, or think he was laying heavy burdens upon them, whilst he himself touched them not with one of his fingers, he tells them in the text, that whatever regard they might pay to the doctrine he had been preaching, yet he (as all ministers ought to do) was resolved to live up to and practice it himself: "Choose you therefore, whom you will serve, whether the Gods which your fathers served, or the Gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
A resolution this, worthy of Joshua, and no less becoming, no less necessary for every true son of Joshua, that is entrusted with the care and government of a family in our day: and, if it was ever seasonable for ministers to preach up, or people to put in practice family-religion, it was never more so than in the present age; since it is greatly to be feared, that out of those many households that call themselves Christians, there are but few that serve God in their respective families as they ought. by George Whitefield
These words contain the holy resolution of pious Joshua, who having in a most moving, affectionate discourse recounted to the Israelites what great things God had done for them, in the verse immediately preceding the text, comes to draw a proper inference from what he had been delivering; and acquaints them, in the most pressing terms, that since God had been so exceeding gracious unto them, they could do not less, than out of gratitude for such uncommon favors and mercies, dedicate both themselves and families to his service. "Now therefore, fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and truth, and put away the Gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood." And by the same engaging motive does the prophet Samuel afterwards enforce their obedience to the commandments of God, 1 Sam. 12:24, "Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth, with all your heart; for consider how great things he hath done for you." But then, that they might not excuse themselves (as too many might be apt to do) by his giving them a bad example, or think he was laying heavy burdens upon them, whilst he himself touched them not with one of his fingers, he tells them in the text, that whatever regard they might pay to the doctrine he had been preaching, yet he (as all ministers ought to do) was resolved to live up to and practice it himself: "Choose you therefore, whom you will serve, whether the Gods which your fathers served, or the Gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
A resolution this, worthy of Joshua, and no less becoming, no less necessary for every true son of Joshua, that is entrusted with the care and government of a family in our day: and, if it was ever seasonable for ministers to preach up, or people to put in practice family-religion, it was never more so than in the present age; since it is greatly to be feared, that out of those many households that call themselves Christians, there are but few that serve God in their respective families as they ought. by George Whitefield
December 07, 2004
"Shall I not in that day saith the LORD..." by John Calvin
"Shall I not in that day saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?"–Obad. 8
Though men be in many respects blind whom God guides not by his Spirit, and on whom he shines not with his word, yet the worst blindness is when men become inebriated with the false conceit of wisdom. God indeed permits the ungodly for a long time to felicitate (joyfully congratulate) themselves on account of their own acumen (wisdom) and counsels. But we are warned by these words that if we excel in understanding, we are not to abuse this singular gift of God, as we see the case to be with the ungodly, who turn to cunning whatever wisdom the Lord has bestowed on them. There is hardly one in a hundred to be found who does not seek to be crafty and deceitful if he excels in understanding. We see that the world perverts this excellent gift of God; the more reason there is for us to labor that our wisdom should be founded in true simplicity. This is one Thing. Then we must also beware lest we trust in our own understanding and despise our enemies, and lest we think that we can ward off any evil that may impend over us; but let us ever seek from the Lord that he may vouchsafe (give) to us at all times the Spirit of wisdom, that he may guide us even to the end of life. by John Calvin
Though men be in many respects blind whom God guides not by his Spirit, and on whom he shines not with his word, yet the worst blindness is when men become inebriated with the false conceit of wisdom. God indeed permits the ungodly for a long time to felicitate (joyfully congratulate) themselves on account of their own acumen (wisdom) and counsels. But we are warned by these words that if we excel in understanding, we are not to abuse this singular gift of God, as we see the case to be with the ungodly, who turn to cunning whatever wisdom the Lord has bestowed on them. There is hardly one in a hundred to be found who does not seek to be crafty and deceitful if he excels in understanding. We see that the world perverts this excellent gift of God; the more reason there is for us to labor that our wisdom should be founded in true simplicity. This is one Thing. Then we must also beware lest we trust in our own understanding and despise our enemies, and lest we think that we can ward off any evil that may impend over us; but let us ever seek from the Lord that he may vouchsafe (give) to us at all times the Spirit of wisdom, that he may guide us even to the end of life. by John Calvin
December 06, 2004
What is Calvinism? by B.B. Warfield
Calvinism is total dependence upon God for salvation! Calvinism implies a NEED of salvation, a profound SENSE of this need, a profound sense of HELPLESSNESS in the presence of this need, and an utter DEPENDENCE ON GOD for its satisfaction. Its type is found in the publican who smote on his breast and cried, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner!" No question there of saving himself or of helping God to save him. No question of anything but, "I am a sinner and all my hope is in God, my Saviour." This is Calvinism! Where this attitude of heart and mind is found, there is Calvinism. The Calvinist is the man who has seen God and who, having seen God in His glory, is filled on the one hand with a sense of his own unworthiness to stand in God's presence as a CREATURE, and much more as a SINNER, and on the other hand, with adoring wonder that, nevertheless, this God, in Christ, is a God WHO LOVES AND RECEIVES SINNERS. He believes God without reserve and is determined that GOD IS GOD in all his thinking and feeling, willing (in the entire compass of life's activities) that God is God in all of creation, providence, and salvation. He who can cast his soul wholly on the free grace of God, who through the merit of His Son, is both just and justifier, is, by the very necessity of the case, a Calvinist! by BB Warfield
December 01, 2004
Dying to self by Bruce Crabtree
"If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself…" Matthew 16:24
When you are forgotten, or neglected, or purposely set at naught, and you don't sting and hurt with the insult or the oversight, but your heart is happy, being counted worthy to suffer for Christ, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When your good is evil spoken of, when your wishes are crossed, your advice disregarded, your opinions ridiculed, and you refuse to let anger rise in your heart, or even defend yourself, but take it all in patient, loving silence, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When you lovingly and patiently bear any disorder, any irregularity, and unpunctuality, or any annoyance; when you can stand face to face with waste, folly, extravagance, and spiritual insensibility, enduring it as Christ Jesus endured it, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When you no longer care to hear yourself in conversation, or to record your own works, or itch after commendation, when you can truly love to be unknown, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When you see your brother prosper and have his needs met, and can honestly rejoice with him in spirit and feel no envy nor question God, while your own needs are far greater and you are in far more desperate circumstance, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When you can receive correction and reproof from one of less stature than yourself, and can humbly submit inwardly as well as outwardly, finding no rebellion or resentment rising up within your heart, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When you are forgotten, or neglected, or purposely set at naught, and you don't sting and hurt with the insult or the oversight, but your heart is happy, being counted worthy to suffer for Christ, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When your good is evil spoken of, when your wishes are crossed, your advice disregarded, your opinions ridiculed, and you refuse to let anger rise in your heart, or even defend yourself, but take it all in patient, loving silence, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When you lovingly and patiently bear any disorder, any irregularity, and unpunctuality, or any annoyance; when you can stand face to face with waste, folly, extravagance, and spiritual insensibility, enduring it as Christ Jesus endured it, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When you no longer care to hear yourself in conversation, or to record your own works, or itch after commendation, when you can truly love to be unknown, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When you see your brother prosper and have his needs met, and can honestly rejoice with him in spirit and feel no envy nor question God, while your own needs are far greater and you are in far more desperate circumstance, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
When you can receive correction and reproof from one of less stature than yourself, and can humbly submit inwardly as well as outwardly, finding no rebellion or resentment rising up within your heart, THAT IS DYING TO SELF.
November 30, 2004
God Must be Glorified by Doug Weaver
The Bible clearly teaches that salvation is not by works or human merit lest anyone should boast. We just do not have anything to boast about. We also see from the Bible that God has created the world for His own glory. God must be glorified because He is in character and essence a glorious being. Thus in the salvation of the redeemed the glorious aspects of God's mercy, His grace, His compassion, His long-suffering, His kindness, and His love are revealed and God is glorified. But in the just condemnation of the wicked, the glorious aspect of God's justice, holiness, and righteousness are also manifested and God is glorified. But from our perspective, we see all this from our depraved, sinful eyes which make it hard to understand except the Holy Spirit enlighten us. God is just, holy, and righteous and has a natural hatred towards sin because sin is evil. When these qualities are manifested in the just condemnation of sinners, God, in His justice, is glorified. Therefore, both in the electing of some and the passing by of others, God is glorified.
November 29, 2004
Encouragement In the Lord by Chris Cunningham
"And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and daughters but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God." I Sam. 30:6
David was reaping the harvest of his sinful relationship with Achish. God had just providentially spared him the horror of fighting against his own nation, Israel with these heathen Philistines (read chapter 29), but now it was time for a wake up call. It's sad that God must bring us to a place like this to cause us to turn to Him, but what grace it is that He does so. In our text, David and his men had returned to Ziklag only to find their homes burned and their loved ones taken captive. If this wasn't enough grief for David, the people, now blaming him, are talking of killng him.
I've had some bad days in my life, but I cannot even approach this! There are times in this life when there seems to be no hope and no way out. Believers do not float through life with their hands humbly folded and a religious smile on their faces. David was "greatly distressed" but still was enabled by his gracious God to encourage himself in the Sovereign One to Whom this trial was a trifle. God was simply using this to bring His precious child to His loving side. Therefore thou deliveredst them into the hand of their enemies, who vexed them: and in the time of their trouble, when they cried unto thee, thou heardest them from heaven; Neh 9:27.
Even while David and the people "lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep" (vs.4), God had already purposed and was arranging the events necessary to restore unto them all their losses. When we are at our rope's end, if we are God's child, we are as much in His tender care as when we are on easy street. Our King has all things under His sovereign control, doeth all things well and loves us in Christ, as much as He loves Himself. No wonder David could say by real experience, "the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Ps. 107:19
Does this encourage you?
David was reaping the harvest of his sinful relationship with Achish. God had just providentially spared him the horror of fighting against his own nation, Israel with these heathen Philistines (read chapter 29), but now it was time for a wake up call. It's sad that God must bring us to a place like this to cause us to turn to Him, but what grace it is that He does so. In our text, David and his men had returned to Ziklag only to find their homes burned and their loved ones taken captive. If this wasn't enough grief for David, the people, now blaming him, are talking of killng him.
I've had some bad days in my life, but I cannot even approach this! There are times in this life when there seems to be no hope and no way out. Believers do not float through life with their hands humbly folded and a religious smile on their faces. David was "greatly distressed" but still was enabled by his gracious God to encourage himself in the Sovereign One to Whom this trial was a trifle. God was simply using this to bring His precious child to His loving side. Therefore thou deliveredst them into the hand of their enemies, who vexed them: and in the time of their trouble, when they cried unto thee, thou heardest them from heaven; Neh 9:27.
Even while David and the people "lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep" (vs.4), God had already purposed and was arranging the events necessary to restore unto them all their losses. When we are at our rope's end, if we are God's child, we are as much in His tender care as when we are on easy street. Our King has all things under His sovereign control, doeth all things well and loves us in Christ, as much as He loves Himself. No wonder David could say by real experience, "the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Ps. 107:19
Does this encourage you?
November 24, 2004
Pardon by C.H. Spurgeon
Once upon a time, there came one to my house of a black and terrible aspect. He smote the door; I tried to bolt it- to hold it fast. He smote again and again, till at last he entered, and with a rough voice he summoned me before him; and he said, "I have a message from God for you-- you are condemned on account of your sins."
I looked at him with astonishment; I asked him his name.
He said, "My name is the Law." and I fell at his feet as one that was dead. "I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died." As I lay there, he smote me. He smote me till every rib seemed as if it must break, and the bowels be poured forth. My heart was melted like wax within me; I seemed to be stretched upon a rack- to be pinched with hot irons- to be beaten with whips of burning wire. A misery extreme dwelt and reigned in my heart.
I dared not lift up mine eyes, but I thought within myself, "There may be hope, there may be mercy for me. Perhaps the God whom I have offended may accept my tears and my promises of amendment, and I may live." But when that thought crossed my mind, heavier were the blows and more poignant my sufferings than before, till hope entirely failed me, and I had nothing wherein to trust. Darkness black and dense gathered round me. I heard a voice as it were, of rushing to and fro, and of wailing and gnashing of teeth. I said within my soul, "I am cast out from his sight, I am utterly abhorred of God- he has trampled me in the mire of the streets in his anger."
And there came one by, of sorrowful but of loving aspect, and he stooped over me, and he said, "Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light." I arose in astonishment, and he took me, and he led me to a place where stood a cross, and he seemed to vanish from my sight. But he appeared again hanging there. I looked upon him as he bled upon that tree. His eyes darted a glance of love unutterable into my spirit, and in a moment, looking at him, the bruises that my soul had suffered were healed; the gaping wounds were cured; the broken bones rejoiced; the rags that had covered me were all removed; my spirit was white as the spotless snows of the far-off north; I had melody within my spirit, for I was saved, washed, cleansed, forgiven, through him that did hang upon the tree! Oh, how I wondered that I should be pardoned! It was not the pardon that I wondered at so much; the wonder was that it should come to ME. I wondered that he should be able to pardon such sins as mine; such crimes, so numerous and so black, and that after such an accusing conscience he should have power to still every wave within my spirit, and make my soul like the surface of a river, undisturbed, quiet, and at ease.
I looked at him with astonishment; I asked him his name.
He said, "My name is the Law." and I fell at his feet as one that was dead. "I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died." As I lay there, he smote me. He smote me till every rib seemed as if it must break, and the bowels be poured forth. My heart was melted like wax within me; I seemed to be stretched upon a rack- to be pinched with hot irons- to be beaten with whips of burning wire. A misery extreme dwelt and reigned in my heart.
I dared not lift up mine eyes, but I thought within myself, "There may be hope, there may be mercy for me. Perhaps the God whom I have offended may accept my tears and my promises of amendment, and I may live." But when that thought crossed my mind, heavier were the blows and more poignant my sufferings than before, till hope entirely failed me, and I had nothing wherein to trust. Darkness black and dense gathered round me. I heard a voice as it were, of rushing to and fro, and of wailing and gnashing of teeth. I said within my soul, "I am cast out from his sight, I am utterly abhorred of God- he has trampled me in the mire of the streets in his anger."
And there came one by, of sorrowful but of loving aspect, and he stooped over me, and he said, "Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light." I arose in astonishment, and he took me, and he led me to a place where stood a cross, and he seemed to vanish from my sight. But he appeared again hanging there. I looked upon him as he bled upon that tree. His eyes darted a glance of love unutterable into my spirit, and in a moment, looking at him, the bruises that my soul had suffered were healed; the gaping wounds were cured; the broken bones rejoiced; the rags that had covered me were all removed; my spirit was white as the spotless snows of the far-off north; I had melody within my spirit, for I was saved, washed, cleansed, forgiven, through him that did hang upon the tree! Oh, how I wondered that I should be pardoned! It was not the pardon that I wondered at so much; the wonder was that it should come to ME. I wondered that he should be able to pardon such sins as mine; such crimes, so numerous and so black, and that after such an accusing conscience he should have power to still every wave within my spirit, and make my soul like the surface of a river, undisturbed, quiet, and at ease.
November 22, 2004
Some believed and some not why? by Don Fortner
The preacher was the apostle Paul. The message preached was the gospel of Christ. Paul expounded the Scriptures, testified of his own experience of the Christ. Yet, we read that "some believed... and some believed not." Why did Luke write that down? What does the Holy Spirit intend for us to learn from this fact?
Without question, the intention of the Holy Spirit is to teach us that THE SALVATION OF SINNERS IS NOT DETERMINED BY THE ABILITY OF THE PREACHER. I do not mean to suggest that a person can be saved apart from the preaching of the gospel (Rom. 10:17; James 1:18; I Pet. 1:23-25). And I do not suggest that it does not matter who you hear (I John 4:1-3; II John 10). If you feed upon the poison of a false religion, you will perish under the wrath of God. But the Holy Spirit does mean for us to understand that saving faith is in no way dependent upon or determined by the gifts, abilities, education, or spiritually of the man who preaches the gospel. No one excels Paul in these areas. Yet, some who heard him "believed not." He preached pure gospel truth. He preached the truth in love. His heart was in his message. He wanted those who heard him to know Christ. Yet, "some believed not."
WHY DID SOME BELIEVE WHILE OTHERS BELIEVED NOT? All heard the same preacher the same sermon under the same circumstances. Only one explanation can be given for the faith of those who believed. They believed because God chose them in eternity, Christ redeemed them at Calvary, and now the Holy Spirit called them and gave them faith by his irresistible power and grace (John 1:12-13; Rom. 9:16-18). Their salvation was entirely God's fault and the result of God's work.
WHY DID SOME NOT BELIEVE? Their unbelief was their own fault and the result of their own work. They did not believe because they would not believe (John 5:40). They would not believe because they had no need of Christ (Luke 9:11). ALL WHO ARE SAVED ARE SAVED AS A RESULT OF WHAT GOD DOES. ALL WHO ARE LOST ARE LOST AS A RESULT OF WHAT THEY DO.
Without question, the intention of the Holy Spirit is to teach us that THE SALVATION OF SINNERS IS NOT DETERMINED BY THE ABILITY OF THE PREACHER. I do not mean to suggest that a person can be saved apart from the preaching of the gospel (Rom. 10:17; James 1:18; I Pet. 1:23-25). And I do not suggest that it does not matter who you hear (I John 4:1-3; II John 10). If you feed upon the poison of a false religion, you will perish under the wrath of God. But the Holy Spirit does mean for us to understand that saving faith is in no way dependent upon or determined by the gifts, abilities, education, or spiritually of the man who preaches the gospel. No one excels Paul in these areas. Yet, some who heard him "believed not." He preached pure gospel truth. He preached the truth in love. His heart was in his message. He wanted those who heard him to know Christ. Yet, "some believed not."
WHY DID SOME BELIEVE WHILE OTHERS BELIEVED NOT? All heard the same preacher the same sermon under the same circumstances. Only one explanation can be given for the faith of those who believed. They believed because God chose them in eternity, Christ redeemed them at Calvary, and now the Holy Spirit called them and gave them faith by his irresistible power and grace (John 1:12-13; Rom. 9:16-18). Their salvation was entirely God's fault and the result of God's work.
WHY DID SOME NOT BELIEVE? Their unbelief was their own fault and the result of their own work. They did not believe because they would not believe (John 5:40). They would not believe because they had no need of Christ (Luke 9:11). ALL WHO ARE SAVED ARE SAVED AS A RESULT OF WHAT GOD DOES. ALL WHO ARE LOST ARE LOST AS A RESULT OF WHAT THEY DO.
November 18, 2004
Do you think it astounding that some men find it easy to hold Scripture up to the worth of their own opinion? Some men actually refuse to preach certain doctrines of Holy Writ because they deem them controversial. Shall a worm of the dust count itself as judge over the Word of God, to say this or that should not be preached because other worms do not find it palatable? Did God, as He inspired His Book, also inspire the writers to put an asterisk beside predestination or election in order that the preacher might be sure to avoid these subjects? Where does such presumption originate? Does the dunghill denizen believe that his wisdom is greater than God's? He must believe himself to be God, or else he would not take it upon himself to discount what God has said. Oh how marvelously the maggot monarch molds his message to misdirect his multitudes by mutilating the Gospel and removing its sting! It would seem that the serpent's lie has found it resting place in the pate of these pusillanimous pulpiteers. "ye shall be as god's", said the serpent, and the malevolent message took. Now the fallen man , believing himself to be deity does not bow to the Word of God but rather abbreviates it…does not preach it but rather pares it down. It is this wretched wrester of Scripture "WHO OPPOSETH AND EXALTETH HIMSELF ABOVE ALL THAT IS CALLED GOD, OR THAT IS WORSHIPPED; SO THAT HE AS GOD SITTETH IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD, SHEWING HIMSELF THAT HE IS GOD" .
November 17, 2004
Christ Property (by Spurgeon)
Act 18:10 For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.
This should be a great encouragement to try to do good, since God has among the vilest of the vile, the most reprobate, the most debauched and drunken, an elect people who must be saved.
When you take the Word to them, you do so because God has ordained you to be the messenger of life to their souls, and they must receive it, for so the decree of predestination runs. They are as much redeemed by blood as the saints before the eternal throne. They are Christ's property, and yet perhaps they are lovers of the ale house, and haters of holiness. But if Jesus Christ purchased them he will have them. God is not unfaithful to forget the price which his Son has paid. He will not allow his substitution to be in any case an ineffectual, dead thing. Tens of thousands of redeemed ones are not regenerated yet, but regenerated they must be; and this is our comfort when we go forth to them with the quickening Word of God.
No, more, these ungodly ones are prayed for by Christ before the throne. "Neither pray I for these alone," says the great Intercessor, "but for those also who shall believe on me through their word." Poor, ignorant souls, they know nothing about prayer for themselves, but Jesus prays for them. Their names are on his breastplate, and before long they must bow their stubborn knee, breathing the penitential sigh before the throne of grace. The predestinated moment has not struck; but when it comes, they shall obey, for God will have his own; they must, for the Spirit is not to be withstood when he comes forth with fullness of power; they must become the willing servants of the living God.
This should be a great encouragement to try to do good, since God has among the vilest of the vile, the most reprobate, the most debauched and drunken, an elect people who must be saved.
When you take the Word to them, you do so because God has ordained you to be the messenger of life to their souls, and they must receive it, for so the decree of predestination runs. They are as much redeemed by blood as the saints before the eternal throne. They are Christ's property, and yet perhaps they are lovers of the ale house, and haters of holiness. But if Jesus Christ purchased them he will have them. God is not unfaithful to forget the price which his Son has paid. He will not allow his substitution to be in any case an ineffectual, dead thing. Tens of thousands of redeemed ones are not regenerated yet, but regenerated they must be; and this is our comfort when we go forth to them with the quickening Word of God.
No, more, these ungodly ones are prayed for by Christ before the throne. "Neither pray I for these alone," says the great Intercessor, "but for those also who shall believe on me through their word." Poor, ignorant souls, they know nothing about prayer for themselves, but Jesus prays for them. Their names are on his breastplate, and before long they must bow their stubborn knee, breathing the penitential sigh before the throne of grace. The predestinated moment has not struck; but when it comes, they shall obey, for God will have his own; they must, for the Spirit is not to be withstood when he comes forth with fullness of power; they must become the willing servants of the living God.
November 15, 2004
I recently received a letter from a little idol shop (a place which distributes little "good luck" gods - crosses - angels - lapel pins, etc). The letter requested permission from me to send each of you a "God loves you" pin. A portion of my reply is below. I hope each of you understand why we do not use religious trinkets, bumper stickers, and silly cliches to promote holy things and divine truth.
Dear _______,
Thank you for your offer; but no, you may not have my permission to send my church family or friends your pins. I sincerely hope you will seriously reconsider what you are doing. Where in the Word of God do you find anyone telling unbelieving sinners that God loves them. To tell a person God loves him is to assure him that everything is okay, that he will certainly be with the Lord in eternity, that he will be saved at last.
If that is not the implication you intend by such a statement, the other necessary implication is utterly blasphemous. -- It is that the love of God is meaningless and irrelevant! If God loves the damned, his love is, of necessity, useless.
Also, the sale, use, or distribution of religious trinkets is nothing less than idolatry. It is for that reason that you cannot find anyone engaging in such frivolity in the Scriptures, except those who worshipped trinket gods.
Please forgive me if this seems a bit strong to you. I have deliberately stated things in such a way as to insure your attention, and to do my best to make certain that you cannot forget what you have read. If we would worship and serve the God of Holy Scripture, we must worship and serve him in SPIRIT (Spiritually and by his Spirit) and in TRUTH (As he has revealed himself in Holy Scripture). If I can help you in the pursuit of the knowledge of the living, eternal God in Christ, please do not hesitate to contact me again. I am yours in the cause of Christ,
By God's Free and Sovereign Grace,
Dear _______,
Thank you for your offer; but no, you may not have my permission to send my church family or friends your pins. I sincerely hope you will seriously reconsider what you are doing. Where in the Word of God do you find anyone telling unbelieving sinners that God loves them. To tell a person God loves him is to assure him that everything is okay, that he will certainly be with the Lord in eternity, that he will be saved at last.
If that is not the implication you intend by such a statement, the other necessary implication is utterly blasphemous. -- It is that the love of God is meaningless and irrelevant! If God loves the damned, his love is, of necessity, useless.
Also, the sale, use, or distribution of religious trinkets is nothing less than idolatry. It is for that reason that you cannot find anyone engaging in such frivolity in the Scriptures, except those who worshipped trinket gods.
Please forgive me if this seems a bit strong to you. I have deliberately stated things in such a way as to insure your attention, and to do my best to make certain that you cannot forget what you have read. If we would worship and serve the God of Holy Scripture, we must worship and serve him in SPIRIT (Spiritually and by his Spirit) and in TRUTH (As he has revealed himself in Holy Scripture). If I can help you in the pursuit of the knowledge of the living, eternal God in Christ, please do not hesitate to contact me again. I am yours in the cause of Christ,
By God's Free and Sovereign Grace,
November 11, 2004
Do You Believe That? by Don Bell
Do you really believe that when Christ died, that he died for every man on the planet? If you do you have some really big explaining to do. How are you going to justify God for not saving everyone if Christ died for them? How will you explain to those in hell why they are not saved if Christ died for them? When the Lord Jesus Christ died, his death was a redemption, a payment price to the justice of God that demanded payment for sin from the sinner. Redemption is to pay a price with a view to ransom, rescue, and release. Christ's blood was shed to redeem, to ransom, rescue and release. Now it is obvious that all men are not redeemed, because they are not saved. In fact many who heard Our Lord preach and saw his miracles have been in hell for two millennia.
To believe that Christ died for every single person on this planet flies in the face of God's perfection's. God is perfect in His nature and in all His attributes, right ? Universal redemption is contrary to the Love Of God. At first it seems to magnify the love of God, but it really reduces it to nothing. God's love is displayed in the death of His son and redemption by him. The love of God in the universal idea of redemption, does not secure salvation for anyone. It makes God love Peter no more than Judas, the saints in heaven no more than the damned in hell. Universal redemption says thy were both loved alike, and equally redeemed by Christ. Those who say Christ died for all do not present the love of God as immutable and unalterable. It says that God loved men so, that He gave his Son to die for them, wills that they should be saved. Then that love is turned into wrath and fury, and punishes them everlastingly.
Universal redemption is contrary to the Wisdom Of God. Where is his wisdom in giving his Son unto death for all alike, and yet multitudes do not benefit from it? I can hear some of you say, that those who perish did not perform the conditions their redemption required. Either God did know, or did not know that these men would not perform the conditions required. If He didn't know, then there is a lack of knowledge in him. If he did know, that they would not perform what was required, where is his wisdom in providing a redemption that would not redeem them? Where is his wisdom in providing a redemption that does not redeem? Folks read your Bibles. God willing I will continue this in our next article.
To believe that Christ died for every single person on this planet flies in the face of God's perfection's. God is perfect in His nature and in all His attributes, right ? Universal redemption is contrary to the Love Of God. At first it seems to magnify the love of God, but it really reduces it to nothing. God's love is displayed in the death of His son and redemption by him. The love of God in the universal idea of redemption, does not secure salvation for anyone. It makes God love Peter no more than Judas, the saints in heaven no more than the damned in hell. Universal redemption says thy were both loved alike, and equally redeemed by Christ. Those who say Christ died for all do not present the love of God as immutable and unalterable. It says that God loved men so, that He gave his Son to die for them, wills that they should be saved. Then that love is turned into wrath and fury, and punishes them everlastingly.
Universal redemption is contrary to the Wisdom Of God. Where is his wisdom in giving his Son unto death for all alike, and yet multitudes do not benefit from it? I can hear some of you say, that those who perish did not perform the conditions their redemption required. Either God did know, or did not know that these men would not perform the conditions required. If He didn't know, then there is a lack of knowledge in him. If he did know, that they would not perform what was required, where is his wisdom in providing a redemption that would not redeem them? Where is his wisdom in providing a redemption that does not redeem? Folks read your Bibles. God willing I will continue this in our next article.
November 10, 2004
Are you Faithful? by Todd Nibert
Throughout scripture, God’s people are described as faithful. When the Lord describes the commendation the believer will receive upon entering glory, He says His words shall be, "well done, thou good and faithful servant." What is faithfulness? Here is the simplest definition. Faithfulness believes, and can be believed.
In the passive sense, faithfulness can be believed, trusted, and relied upon. Faithfulness is very predictable. You are in for no surprises with the faithful because there is a consistency of character. Remember Paul’s words, "It is required in a steward that a man be found faithful." The best example of a steward is the executor of a will. If you want your will executed properly, what do you look for in a person to do it? Talent? Genius? Charisma? In reality, nor only are those things not needed. They may be a hindrance. What you want is faithfulness! This is what God requires of all of His children. Faithfulness!
In the active sense, faithfulness believes! What do "believers" do? They believe! They believe God! They believe everything God says! If any portion of God’s Word is presented to me, and I say, "I don’t believe that", then I am an unbeliever. A believer believes all that God says. Are you faithful? Do you believe? Can you be believed? If you are a believer, the answer is yes to both of these questions. It the answer is no, what is the only conclusion that can be drawn? You are an unbeliever. Believers believe and can be believed! Lord, make me faithful!
In the passive sense, faithfulness can be believed, trusted, and relied upon. Faithfulness is very predictable. You are in for no surprises with the faithful because there is a consistency of character. Remember Paul’s words, "It is required in a steward that a man be found faithful." The best example of a steward is the executor of a will. If you want your will executed properly, what do you look for in a person to do it? Talent? Genius? Charisma? In reality, nor only are those things not needed. They may be a hindrance. What you want is faithfulness! This is what God requires of all of His children. Faithfulness!
In the active sense, faithfulness believes! What do "believers" do? They believe! They believe God! They believe everything God says! If any portion of God’s Word is presented to me, and I say, "I don’t believe that", then I am an unbeliever. A believer believes all that God says. Are you faithful? Do you believe? Can you be believed? If you are a believer, the answer is yes to both of these questions. It the answer is no, what is the only conclusion that can be drawn? You are an unbeliever. Believers believe and can be believed! Lord, make me faithful!
November 09, 2004
And He Did Eat by Tim James
This is one of the most awesome and profound statements in all of the word God “and he did eat”. There was no tempting of Adam; there were no slick words, no whisper from the tempter. Here our father, our representative, our federal head did eat. With open rebellion and disobedience, he did eat. Without regard for the consequence, he did eat. With murderous efficiency, he did eat. He did eat and the earth became a funeral home, the ground became a cemetery, every boulder a tombstone, and every flower a memorial decoration of the whited sepulcher. He did eat and sin and death entered the world. He did eat, and you and I did eat. He was proved a sinner and from that day forth, from his loins came forth fruit after his kind and after his likeness and bearing the same seed. He did eat and that image of God in which He was created was marred beyond repair. He did eat and his mind, his rational thought processes, his ability to communicate with God in any right manner was lost. He did eat and he did die spiritually. He did eat and authority turned to slavery. He did eat and union became a chasm, a great gulf fixed. He did eat and loved turned into hate, life into death, peace into war, mirth into malice, health into malady, sweet into bitter, joy into sorrow, worship into fear, delight into desolation, kindness into calumny, and opened eyes that beheld only blackness and darkness. And He did eat and the fruit turned to gall and wormwood on his palate. He did eat, relishing the pleasure for a season and in the end it brought forth death. He did eat.
November 08, 2004
A religious animal by Philpot
"Men of Athens, I notice that you are very religious, for as I was walking along I saw your many altars. And one of them had this inscription on it—TO AN UNKNOWN GOD." Acts 17:22-23
Man has been called, and perhaps with some truth, a religious animal. Religion of some kind, at any rate, seems almost indispensable to his very existence—for from the most civilized nation, to the most barbarous tribe upon the face of the earth—we find some form of religion practiced. Whether this is ingrained into the very constitution of man, or whether it be received by custom or tradition—I will not pretend to decide. But that some kind of religion is almost universally prevalent, is a fact that cannot be denied. We will always find these two kinds of religion . . . false and true, earthly and heavenly, fleshly and spiritual, natural and supernatural.
Compare this vital, spiritual, heavenly, divine, supernatural religion . . . this work of grace upon the soul, this teaching of God in the heart, this life of faith within —with its flimsy counterfeit. Compare the actings of . . . real faith, real hope, real love; the teachings, the dealings, the leadings, and the operations of the blessed Spirit in the soul —with rounds of . . . duties, superstitious forms, empty ceremonies, and a notional religion, however puffed up and varnished.
Compare the life of God in the heart of a true Christian, amid all his dejection, despondency, trials, temptations, and exercises; compare that precious treasure, Christ's own grace in the soul—with all mere . . . external religion, superficial religion, notional religion. O, it is no more to be compared than a grain of dust with a diamond! No more to be compared than a criminal in a dungeon to the King on the throne! In fact, there is no comparison between them.
Man has been called, and perhaps with some truth, a religious animal. Religion of some kind, at any rate, seems almost indispensable to his very existence—for from the most civilized nation, to the most barbarous tribe upon the face of the earth—we find some form of religion practiced. Whether this is ingrained into the very constitution of man, or whether it be received by custom or tradition—I will not pretend to decide. But that some kind of religion is almost universally prevalent, is a fact that cannot be denied. We will always find these two kinds of religion . . . false and true, earthly and heavenly, fleshly and spiritual, natural and supernatural.
Compare this vital, spiritual, heavenly, divine, supernatural religion . . . this work of grace upon the soul, this teaching of God in the heart, this life of faith within —with its flimsy counterfeit. Compare the actings of . . . real faith, real hope, real love; the teachings, the dealings, the leadings, and the operations of the blessed Spirit in the soul —with rounds of . . . duties, superstitious forms, empty ceremonies, and a notional religion, however puffed up and varnished.
Compare the life of God in the heart of a true Christian, amid all his dejection, despondency, trials, temptations, and exercises; compare that precious treasure, Christ's own grace in the soul—with all mere . . . external religion, superficial religion, notional religion. O, it is no more to be compared than a grain of dust with a diamond! No more to be compared than a criminal in a dungeon to the King on the throne! In fact, there is no comparison between them.
October 27, 2004
ARE YOU CHOSEN? by CH Spurgeon
"Is there any here today who wishes to be holy, who wishes to be regenerated, sanctified, who wishes to leave off sin and walk in holiness and godliness, who wishes to love Christ Jesus and his people, who wishes to be made like Christ? Someone says, 'I do!' Then, my friend, you are elected. But someone else here does not want to be like Christ, does not want to give up the world, does not believe the gospel, does not want to worship God, and does not enjoy the company of godly people. Such a person should not complain if God does not elect him to a life that he despises. The most ridiculos thing I have ever heard is for a man to complain if God does not elect him to a life that he despises. The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard is for a man to complain that he has not been ELECTED TO SOMETHING HE DOES NOT WANT. Think about how foolish this is: the church is full, not one seat is left. A man stands outside and says, 'It is not fair that I do not have a seat in the church. I don't like the preacher, I don't like the gospel, I don't love the others who are there, I would be miserable if I were in there with them, but it is not fair for them to have a seat and for me not to have one!' This is ridiculous!"
October 25, 2004
Conditional Blessings by Todd Nibert
There are two kinds of blessings that God bestows upon believers. First, there are unconditional blessings. These are given to the believer without any condition he must meet to obtain them. They are given for Christ's sake. Paul spoke of these in Eph. 1; we "have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ" (Eph. 1:3).
The Scriptures also teach CONDITIONAL blessings from God. These are blessings conditioned upon our meeting certain conditions to obtain them. In Psalm 81:13, the Lord said, "O that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways;" and He goes on to speak of the blessings they would have received, but didn't, because they did not meet the conditions which would have obtained them. The Lord said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." There is a greater state of blessedness in giving than receiving. Obviously, this greater state of blessedness is conditioned upon our giving. There are many blessings we miss and much sorrow we bring on ourselves by not meeting the conditions God gives to obtain His blessings and avoid those sorrows and troubles.
Some will look at this as an encouragement to go on living the way they are, saying, "I can still be a Christian and live like this." A TRUE BELIEVER would not have that attitude! Some will look at this as legalism (again, that is not the attitude of a true believer). But there are some who will cry for grace to meet the conditions that must be met in order to Obtain the blessings.
The Scriptures also teach CONDITIONAL blessings from God. These are blessings conditioned upon our meeting certain conditions to obtain them. In Psalm 81:13, the Lord said, "O that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways;" and He goes on to speak of the blessings they would have received, but didn't, because they did not meet the conditions which would have obtained them. The Lord said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." There is a greater state of blessedness in giving than receiving. Obviously, this greater state of blessedness is conditioned upon our giving. There are many blessings we miss and much sorrow we bring on ourselves by not meeting the conditions God gives to obtain His blessings and avoid those sorrows and troubles.
Some will look at this as an encouragement to go on living the way they are, saying, "I can still be a Christian and live like this." A TRUE BELIEVER would not have that attitude! Some will look at this as legalism (again, that is not the attitude of a true believer). But there are some who will cry for grace to meet the conditions that must be met in order to Obtain the blessings.
October 21, 2004
Raise Him up the Last Day by Dale Robinson
I came across these verses while studying the Bread of Life passages.
(John 6:39) - "This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day."
(John 6:40) - "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."
(John 6:44) - "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day."
It is both those who are called by the Father and those who believe in Christ who are raised up on the last day. The two criteria are synonomous. God choice of us is manifested in our belief in Christ. Christ could have easily said to the multitude - 'I choose you and you and you' - but Scripture says:
(John 6:64-65) - "But there are some of you who do not believe. For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father."
But Christ's instructions from the Father was to preach the gospel. Why? Because the gospel is the means by which people believe in Christ - and from John 6:28, our belief is a work of God.
(John 6:28-29) – “Therefore they said to Him, "What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?" Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."
(Rom. 1:16) – “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,...”
And by the way - Christ loses no one that the Father sends Him. We will be raised up on to last day.
The work of God is our belief in Christ.
The power of God is the gospel that is preached by which we believe.
The will of God is that Christ loses none that God sends to Him.
The grace of God is that any of this happens at all.
(Eph. 2:8) – “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;”
(John 6:39) - "This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day."
(John 6:40) - "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."
(John 6:44) - "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day."
It is both those who are called by the Father and those who believe in Christ who are raised up on the last day. The two criteria are synonomous. God choice of us is manifested in our belief in Christ. Christ could have easily said to the multitude - 'I choose you and you and you' - but Scripture says:
(John 6:64-65) - "But there are some of you who do not believe. For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father."
But Christ's instructions from the Father was to preach the gospel. Why? Because the gospel is the means by which people believe in Christ - and from John 6:28, our belief is a work of God.
(John 6:28-29) – “Therefore they said to Him, "What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?" Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."
(Rom. 1:16) – “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,...”
And by the way - Christ loses no one that the Father sends Him. We will be raised up on to last day.
The work of God is our belief in Christ.
The power of God is the gospel that is preached by which we believe.
The will of God is that Christ loses none that God sends to Him.
The grace of God is that any of this happens at all.
(Eph. 2:8) – “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;”
October 20, 2004
Ambassadors for Christ by Todd Nibert
Paul said in II Cor. 5:20 that "we are ambassadors for Christ" An ambassador is an accredited representative of a sovereign or state at the court of another. Every child of God is an ambassador or representative of Christ Himself in this world. On the job, at home, during recreational activities, at all times you are a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ what an awesome responsibility! What a privilege! We are to conduct ourselves under all situations as ambassadors of Christ Himself. But look what the job of the ambassador is. "We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: We pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." The job of the ambassador of Christ is to "beseech" men and women to be reconciled to God. We are to leave no stone unturned in seeking the salvation of their souls. Are we seeking to be His ambassadors? Are we genuinely seeking to invite men and women to church to hear the Gospel of God's grace in Christ preached? Do we seek opportunities to witness to others concerning Christ, actually beseeching men and women to be reconciled to God?
Matt 9:37-38. "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest"
Matt 9:37-38. "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest"
October 19, 2004
(John 3:14-16) The one speaking in these three verses is the Lord Jesus Christ himself. He is talking to a lost man, Nicodemus. Though Nicodemus was an educated, religious, moralist, highly respected by his peers, he was a lost man, alienated from God and perishing under the wrath of God. In these three verses our Lord tells a lost sinner THE ONLY WAY OF SALVATION.
"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up" (John 3:14). IN ORDER FOR SINNERS TO BE SAVED BY THE GRACE OF GOD CHRIST HAD TO DIE AS THE SINNER'S SUBSTITUTE UPON THE CROSS. "The Son of man must be lifted up." God could never have saved a sinner if Christ had not satisfied his offended justice by suffering the penalty of sin for his people. But now, through the merits of Christ's blood, God is both just and the Justifier of all who believe. This is the result of Christ's death.
"That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:15). SINCE CHRIST DIED, ALL WHO BELIEVE ON HIM HAVE ETERNAL LIFE AND SHALL NOT PERISH UNDER THE WRATH OF GOD. Faith in Christ is the proof that he died for you and satisfied the justice of God for you. If you, knowing your sin and guilt before God, trust Christ as your only, all-sufficient Savior, you have been redeemed by him, you are born of God, you shall never perish, you have eternal life! Faith in Christ does not cause you to be born again; but it is the proof that you are born again. Faith does not merit eternal life, (Only the death of Christ could do that!); but it does prove that you have eternal life.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). THE CAUSE OF CHRIST'S DEATH, THE CAUSE OF SALVATION IS THE LOVE OF GOD. There is a people scattered throughout the ages and realms of this world who are loved of God, a people whom God is determined to save. God so loved those people that he gave his Son to redeem them. Who are they? "Whosoever believeth in him!" The question that must be answered is this - Do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? If you do, your faith is the gift of God's grace, the fruit of his love, Christ's death, and the Spirit's call. If you do not trust Christ, the wrath of God is upon you!
"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up" (John 3:14). IN ORDER FOR SINNERS TO BE SAVED BY THE GRACE OF GOD CHRIST HAD TO DIE AS THE SINNER'S SUBSTITUTE UPON THE CROSS. "The Son of man must be lifted up." God could never have saved a sinner if Christ had not satisfied his offended justice by suffering the penalty of sin for his people. But now, through the merits of Christ's blood, God is both just and the Justifier of all who believe. This is the result of Christ's death.
"That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:15). SINCE CHRIST DIED, ALL WHO BELIEVE ON HIM HAVE ETERNAL LIFE AND SHALL NOT PERISH UNDER THE WRATH OF GOD. Faith in Christ is the proof that he died for you and satisfied the justice of God for you. If you, knowing your sin and guilt before God, trust Christ as your only, all-sufficient Savior, you have been redeemed by him, you are born of God, you shall never perish, you have eternal life! Faith in Christ does not cause you to be born again; but it is the proof that you are born again. Faith does not merit eternal life, (Only the death of Christ could do that!); but it does prove that you have eternal life.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). THE CAUSE OF CHRIST'S DEATH, THE CAUSE OF SALVATION IS THE LOVE OF GOD. There is a people scattered throughout the ages and realms of this world who are loved of God, a people whom God is determined to save. God so loved those people that he gave his Son to redeem them. Who are they? "Whosoever believeth in him!" The question that must be answered is this - Do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? If you do, your faith is the gift of God's grace, the fruit of his love, Christ's death, and the Spirit's call. If you do not trust Christ, the wrath of God is upon you!
October 18, 2004
There is no such thing as a Christian who is not born again by the effectual power of the Spirit of God; all believers are faithful and dedicated to Christ and His cause on this earth. To be anything less than that is not a Christian and does not deserve the name. Believers desire the gospel and the fellowship of the saints. They avail themselves of every opportunity to hear it unless they are providentially hindered.
God's people are hungry for Christ, the gospel, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. Saints in the Bible are described as "hungering, living, thirsting, walking, waiting, running, laboring, mourning, rejoicing, fighting and resting"! There were no cold, halfhearted Christians in the Bible. These are modern-day terms used to cover up the fact that many have never bowed the knee to Christ the Lord. When sinners submit to Christ they cease going to church only occasionally. They become Christians.
One of the most serious problems that the church faces today is the low estimate of being a Christian. This opinion is expressed in words and actions. Some of the common phrases that have been heard for many years are, "They are born-again Christians", "I know they aren't very faithful but they love the Lord", and "They are dedicated Christians". What is wrong with these statements? They make it to appear that there are Christians who aren't born-again, who can love Christ and not be faithful, and that there are believers who aren't dedicated. But to believe this is to believe water isn't wet and that cold is hot and hot is cold. An unfaithful Christian is a contradiction in terms.
God's people are hungry for Christ, the gospel, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. Saints in the Bible are described as "hungering, living, thirsting, walking, waiting, running, laboring, mourning, rejoicing, fighting and resting"! There were no cold, halfhearted Christians in the Bible. These are modern-day terms used to cover up the fact that many have never bowed the knee to Christ the Lord. When sinners submit to Christ they cease going to church only occasionally. They become Christians.
One of the most serious problems that the church faces today is the low estimate of being a Christian. This opinion is expressed in words and actions. Some of the common phrases that have been heard for many years are, "They are born-again Christians", "I know they aren't very faithful but they love the Lord", and "They are dedicated Christians". What is wrong with these statements? They make it to appear that there are Christians who aren't born-again, who can love Christ and not be faithful, and that there are believers who aren't dedicated. But to believe this is to believe water isn't wet and that cold is hot and hot is cold. An unfaithful Christian is a contradiction in terms.
October 14, 2004
A god unto himself by Winslow
The unsaved man is a god to himself, and he has many other gods as well. Whether it be.... self righteousness, self gratification, the world, wealth, family, in whatever form it appears, "other lords have dominion over him," to the exclusion of the one true and living God. The nature of the human mind is such that it must love and worship some object supremely. In his state of innocence, Jehovah was the one and supreme object of the creature's love and adoration. Seduced from that state of simple and supreme affection by the tempter's promise that, if they ate of the fruit of the tree forbidden by God, "they should be as gods;" in one moment they threw off their allegiance to Jehovah, renounced him as the object of their supreme love, the center of their holiest affections, and became gods to themselves!
The temple was ruined, the altar was thrown down, the pure flame was extinguished,
God departed and "other lords" entered and took possession of the soul. But what a change does grace produce! It repairs the temple, rebuilds the altar, rekindles the flame and brings God back to man! Christ is now the supreme object of... his love, his adoration and his worship. The idol self has been cast down, self righteousness renounced, and self exaltation crucified. The affections, released from their false deity and renewed by the Spirit, now turn to and take up their rest in God. How glorious does Jesus now appear! Truly it is a new God the soul is brought to know and love! Never did it see in Him... such beauty, such excellence, such blessedness as it now sees.
All other glory fades and dies before the surpassing glory of... His character, His attributes, His government, and His law. God says, "You are mine." The soul responds, "You are my God! Other lords have had dominion over me, but henceforth, You only will I serve, You only will I love. My soul follows hard after You; Your right hand upholds me." The regenerate soul possesses and acknowledges a new Savior. How glorious, suitable and precious is Jesus to him now! Not so formerly. Then he had his saviors, his "refuges of lies," his many fatal confidences. Jesus was to him as "a root out of a dry ground, having no form nor loveliness." It may be that he denied His deity, rejected His atonement, scorned His grace and slighted His pardon and His love. Christ is all to him now! He adores Him as the "mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace."
Oh, how surpassingly glorious, inimitably lovely and unutterably precious is Jesus to a renewed soul! Truly a new Savior! "Other lords" he has renounced. "Refuges of lies" he has turned his back upon. "False Christs" he no longer follows. He has found another and a better Savior; Jesus, the mighty God, the Redeemer of sinners! All is 'new' to his recovered sight! A new world of glory has floated before his mind! Jesus the Lamb is the light and glory thereof. Never did he suppose there was.... such beauty in His person, such love in His heart, such perfection in His work, such power and such willingness to save. That blood which was trampled under foot is now precious. That righteousness which was scorned is now glorious. That name which was reviled is now as music to the soul, even "a name that is above every name."
The temple was ruined, the altar was thrown down, the pure flame was extinguished,
God departed and "other lords" entered and took possession of the soul. But what a change does grace produce! It repairs the temple, rebuilds the altar, rekindles the flame and brings God back to man! Christ is now the supreme object of... his love, his adoration and his worship. The idol self has been cast down, self righteousness renounced, and self exaltation crucified. The affections, released from their false deity and renewed by the Spirit, now turn to and take up their rest in God. How glorious does Jesus now appear! Truly it is a new God the soul is brought to know and love! Never did it see in Him... such beauty, such excellence, such blessedness as it now sees.
All other glory fades and dies before the surpassing glory of... His character, His attributes, His government, and His law. God says, "You are mine." The soul responds, "You are my God! Other lords have had dominion over me, but henceforth, You only will I serve, You only will I love. My soul follows hard after You; Your right hand upholds me." The regenerate soul possesses and acknowledges a new Savior. How glorious, suitable and precious is Jesus to him now! Not so formerly. Then he had his saviors, his "refuges of lies," his many fatal confidences. Jesus was to him as "a root out of a dry ground, having no form nor loveliness." It may be that he denied His deity, rejected His atonement, scorned His grace and slighted His pardon and His love. Christ is all to him now! He adores Him as the "mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace."
Oh, how surpassingly glorious, inimitably lovely and unutterably precious is Jesus to a renewed soul! Truly a new Savior! "Other lords" he has renounced. "Refuges of lies" he has turned his back upon. "False Christs" he no longer follows. He has found another and a better Savior; Jesus, the mighty God, the Redeemer of sinners! All is 'new' to his recovered sight! A new world of glory has floated before his mind! Jesus the Lamb is the light and glory thereof. Never did he suppose there was.... such beauty in His person, such love in His heart, such perfection in His work, such power and such willingness to save. That blood which was trampled under foot is now precious. That righteousness which was scorned is now glorious. That name which was reviled is now as music to the soul, even "a name that is above every name."
October 11, 2004
Are there no exceptions? By Henry Law
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good. Psalm 53:1 The heart is the true mirror of the man. Its language speaks the real character. If we could hear the secret whispers of a graceless heart, the sound would be uniformly evil. The godless cherish the delusion that there is no being greater than themselves. Their conceit ignores divine supremacy, and scorns to yield to a superior yoke. Such men exist in fearful numbers.
The faithful Word declares it, and truly adds that they are fools! They may pride themselves in imagined wisdom, but their real place is in the depths of ignorance. Their light is darkness. Their boasted knowledge is extremest folly. It follows that from atheism in heart, comes wickedness in life. The spring being impure, what can flow from it but defilement? The tree is rotten at the core; the branches cannot be sound. Their works, the emblems of their hearts, can only be abomination. They only pollute the earth; hateful to God, injurious to man.
Are there no exceptions?
Not one by nature!
There is no good but what the Holy Spirit implants. Where He is absent only evil dwells, and He has no abode in unregenerate men. The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good. Psalm 53:1
The faithful Word declares it, and truly adds that they are fools! They may pride themselves in imagined wisdom, but their real place is in the depths of ignorance. Their light is darkness. Their boasted knowledge is extremest folly. It follows that from atheism in heart, comes wickedness in life. The spring being impure, what can flow from it but defilement? The tree is rotten at the core; the branches cannot be sound. Their works, the emblems of their hearts, can only be abomination. They only pollute the earth; hateful to God, injurious to man.
Are there no exceptions?
Not one by nature!
There is no good but what the Holy Spirit implants. Where He is absent only evil dwells, and He has no abode in unregenerate men. The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good. Psalm 53:1
October 07, 2004
A little secret.. by Spurgeon
Let me tell you a little secret- whenever you cannot
understand a text, open your Bible, bend your knee,
and pray over that text; and if it does not split into
atoms and open itself, try again.
If prayer does not explain it, it is one of the things
God did not intend you to know, and you may be content
to be ignorant of it.
Prayer is the key that opens the cabinets of mystery.
Prayer and faith are sacred picklocks that can open secrets,
and obtain great treasures.
There is no college for holy education like that of the blessed
Spirit, for he is an ever-present tutor, to whom we have only to
bend the knee, and he is at our side, the great expositor of truth.
understand a text, open your Bible, bend your knee,
and pray over that text; and if it does not split into
atoms and open itself, try again.
If prayer does not explain it, it is one of the things
God did not intend you to know, and you may be content
to be ignorant of it.
Prayer is the key that opens the cabinets of mystery.
Prayer and faith are sacred picklocks that can open secrets,
and obtain great treasures.
There is no college for holy education like that of the blessed
Spirit, for he is an ever-present tutor, to whom we have only to
bend the knee, and he is at our side, the great expositor of truth.
October 06, 2004
A bad tree by Octavius Winslow
"By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people gather grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit." Matthew 7:16-18
An unconverted state will bear fruit corresponding with its own essence. It must, in the nature of things, be so. The enmity against God of the carnal mind, the rejection of the Lord Jesus, the governing principle of SELF, the supreme ascendancy of the world, the slavery of sin; indicate, unmistakably, the unrenewed, unregenerate nature from which they spring. We do not expect one to yield the fruits of holiness from an unholy nature.
The life an unbeliever lives is in keeping with the unrenewed heart he possesses. He is of the earth, earthly. It is consistent with his unregenerate nature . . .
that he should be of the world,
that he should love the world,
that the world should love him and claim him as its own,
that the things of the world its pursuits, its pleasures, its sins; should . . .
harmonize with his nature, charm his tastes, delight his senses, and bind his affections in their spell.
An unconverted state will bear fruit corresponding with its own essence. It must, in the nature of things, be so. The enmity against God of the carnal mind, the rejection of the Lord Jesus, the governing principle of SELF, the supreme ascendancy of the world, the slavery of sin; indicate, unmistakably, the unrenewed, unregenerate nature from which they spring. We do not expect one to yield the fruits of holiness from an unholy nature.
The life an unbeliever lives is in keeping with the unrenewed heart he possesses. He is of the earth, earthly. It is consistent with his unregenerate nature . . .
that he should be of the world,
that he should love the world,
that the world should love him and claim him as its own,
that the things of the world its pursuits, its pleasures, its sins; should . . .
harmonize with his nature, charm his tastes, delight his senses, and bind his affections in their spell.
October 05, 2004
Dear Brother by William Tiptaft
Dear brother,
Since I last wrote, I have preached in Abingdon Great Church, on Christmas evening. I preached the truth, I trust, to a very crowded congregation, supposed to be (sitting and standing, who were able to get in) about 5,000 people. I pleased the believers; but very much displeased the carnally-minded, who were never before so puzzled and confounded in all their lives! I spoke the truth faithfully, and so as all could hear; but I had no idea that the gospel would have given so much offence! It is the truth that offends and disturbs Satan's kingdom! The neighboring clergymen, who are in darkness, say of me, "Away with such a fellow from the earth; it is not fit that he should live!"
My mind is not moved by the persecution. I believe if God has a work for me to do, I shall do it, in spite of the devil and all his children! Nature is not changed, the gospel is not changed, and Christ is not changed. What reason is there why they should not hate the truth now, as much as in the time of the apostles? I never saw any fruits of my labors until I roused and disturbed the 'roaring lion'. When, through the grace of God, I began to disturb his kingdom, I soon found that his children began to hiss!
The world and Satan hate believers. The Pharisees hate me the most. I cut off all their rotten props, and all their fleshly devotion! It is not coming near to the truth, it is not the 'mere letter' of the gospel, that will convert men; but the Holy Spirit. Make the Word of God your study. Pin your faith to no man's views! I scarcely read any other book.
Beware of those who want to exalt man in any manner.
Yours very affectionately,
William Tiptaft, Jan. 30th, 1830
Since I last wrote, I have preached in Abingdon Great Church, on Christmas evening. I preached the truth, I trust, to a very crowded congregation, supposed to be (sitting and standing, who were able to get in) about 5,000 people. I pleased the believers; but very much displeased the carnally-minded, who were never before so puzzled and confounded in all their lives! I spoke the truth faithfully, and so as all could hear; but I had no idea that the gospel would have given so much offence! It is the truth that offends and disturbs Satan's kingdom! The neighboring clergymen, who are in darkness, say of me, "Away with such a fellow from the earth; it is not fit that he should live!"
My mind is not moved by the persecution. I believe if God has a work for me to do, I shall do it, in spite of the devil and all his children! Nature is not changed, the gospel is not changed, and Christ is not changed. What reason is there why they should not hate the truth now, as much as in the time of the apostles? I never saw any fruits of my labors until I roused and disturbed the 'roaring lion'. When, through the grace of God, I began to disturb his kingdom, I soon found that his children began to hiss!
The world and Satan hate believers. The Pharisees hate me the most. I cut off all their rotten props, and all their fleshly devotion! It is not coming near to the truth, it is not the 'mere letter' of the gospel, that will convert men; but the Holy Spirit. Make the Word of God your study. Pin your faith to no man's views! I scarcely read any other book.
Beware of those who want to exalt man in any manner.
Yours very affectionately,
William Tiptaft, Jan. 30th, 1830
September 30, 2004
Progress by author unknown
Until I learned to trust;
I did not learn to pray,
And I did not learn to fully trust;
till sorrows came my way.
Until I felt my weakness;
His strength I never knew,
Nor dreamed till I was stricken;
that He would see me through.
Who deepest drinks of sorrow;
drinks deepest too of grace,
He sends the storm so He Himself;
can be our hiding place.
His heart that seeks our highest good;
knows well when things annoy,
We would not long for heaven;
if earth held only joy.
I did not learn to pray,
And I did not learn to fully trust;
till sorrows came my way.
Until I felt my weakness;
His strength I never knew,
Nor dreamed till I was stricken;
that He would see me through.
Who deepest drinks of sorrow;
drinks deepest too of grace,
He sends the storm so He Himself;
can be our hiding place.
His heart that seeks our highest good;
knows well when things annoy,
We would not long for heaven;
if earth held only joy.
September 29, 2004
Thus Says the Lord by CH Spurgeon
“Thus says the Lord” is the only authority in God’s Church.
The faintest whisper of Jehovah's voice should fill us with solemn awe, and command the deepest obedience of our souls. Brethren, how careful should we be that we do not set up in God’s church anything in opposition to his Word, that we do not permit the teachings of a creature to usurp the honor due to the Lord alone.
“Thus says antiquity.”
“Thus says authority.”
“Thus says learning.”
“Thus says experience.”
-these are but idol-gods which defile the church of God!
Be it yours and mine as bold warriors to dash them in pieces without mercy, seeing that they usurp the place of the Word of God.
“Thus says the Lord,” -this is the motto of our standard; the war-cry of our spiritual conflict; the sword with which we hope yet to smite through the loins of the mighty who rise up against God’s truth.
“Thus says the Lord God.” This is the trowel, and this the hammer of God’s builders; this the trumpet of his watchmen and the sword of his warriors. Woe to the man who comes in any other name!
If we, or an angel from heaven, shall preach unto you anything but a “Thus says the Lord,” no matter what our character or standing, give no heed to us, but cleave unto the truth as it is in Jesus. To the law and to the testimony, if we speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in us. That test which we demand to be exercised upon others we cheerfully consent to be exercised upon ourselves, praying that we may have grace to forsake our errors as we would have other men forsake theirs.
We will listen to the opinions of great men with the respect which they deserve as men, but having so done, we deny that we have anything to do with these men as authorities in the Church of God, for there nothing has any authority, but “Thus says the Lord of hosts.” Yes, if you shall bring us the concurrent consent of all tradition- if you shall quote precedents venerable with fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen centuries of antiquity, we burn the whole as so much worthless lumber, unless you put your finger upon the passage
of Holy Writ which warrants the matter to be of God.
To the true Church of God the only question is this, is there “Thus says the Lord” for it? And if divine authority be not forthcoming, faithful men thrust forth the intruder as the cunning craftiness of men. Let us use much of Scripture, much of the pure silver of sacred revelation, and no human alloy. “What is the chaff to the wheat, says the Lord?” Many sorrows shall be to those who dare to dash themselves against the thick bosses of Jehovah's buckler by opposing his “Thus says the Lord.” Upon whomsoever this stone shall fall it shall grind him to powder, and whosoever shall fall upon it shall be broken to his own lasting damage.
O! my brethren, I would that we trembled and stood more in awe of God’s Word. I fear that many treat the things of God as though they were merely matters of opinion, but remember that opinion cannot govern in God’s house. God’s Word, not man’s opinion, claims your allegiance. O for a stern integrity that will hold the Word and will never depart from it, come what may.
The faintest whisper of Jehovah's voice should fill us with solemn awe, and command the deepest obedience of our souls. Brethren, how careful should we be that we do not set up in God’s church anything in opposition to his Word, that we do not permit the teachings of a creature to usurp the honor due to the Lord alone.
“Thus says antiquity.”
“Thus says authority.”
“Thus says learning.”
“Thus says experience.”
-these are but idol-gods which defile the church of God!
Be it yours and mine as bold warriors to dash them in pieces without mercy, seeing that they usurp the place of the Word of God.
“Thus says the Lord,” -this is the motto of our standard; the war-cry of our spiritual conflict; the sword with which we hope yet to smite through the loins of the mighty who rise up against God’s truth.
“Thus says the Lord God.” This is the trowel, and this the hammer of God’s builders; this the trumpet of his watchmen and the sword of his warriors. Woe to the man who comes in any other name!
If we, or an angel from heaven, shall preach unto you anything but a “Thus says the Lord,” no matter what our character or standing, give no heed to us, but cleave unto the truth as it is in Jesus. To the law and to the testimony, if we speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in us. That test which we demand to be exercised upon others we cheerfully consent to be exercised upon ourselves, praying that we may have grace to forsake our errors as we would have other men forsake theirs.
We will listen to the opinions of great men with the respect which they deserve as men, but having so done, we deny that we have anything to do with these men as authorities in the Church of God, for there nothing has any authority, but “Thus says the Lord of hosts.” Yes, if you shall bring us the concurrent consent of all tradition- if you shall quote precedents venerable with fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen centuries of antiquity, we burn the whole as so much worthless lumber, unless you put your finger upon the passage
of Holy Writ which warrants the matter to be of God.
To the true Church of God the only question is this, is there “Thus says the Lord” for it? And if divine authority be not forthcoming, faithful men thrust forth the intruder as the cunning craftiness of men. Let us use much of Scripture, much of the pure silver of sacred revelation, and no human alloy. “What is the chaff to the wheat, says the Lord?” Many sorrows shall be to those who dare to dash themselves against the thick bosses of Jehovah's buckler by opposing his “Thus says the Lord.” Upon whomsoever this stone shall fall it shall grind him to powder, and whosoever shall fall upon it shall be broken to his own lasting damage.
O! my brethren, I would that we trembled and stood more in awe of God’s Word. I fear that many treat the things of God as though they were merely matters of opinion, but remember that opinion cannot govern in God’s house. God’s Word, not man’s opinion, claims your allegiance. O for a stern integrity that will hold the Word and will never depart from it, come what may.
September 28, 2004
Paul wrote in Heb. 10:25, "Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together." It is the duty of all believers to meet together for worship, praise, study, and fellowship.
(1) BECAUSE OF GOD, Who has appointed worship, Who approves of it, Who is glorified in it, and Who should be worshipped.
(2) BECAUSE OF OURSELVES. We need to "draw nigh to God," to "seek His face," to praise, pray, and be refreshed and comforted - with other believers.
(3) BECAUSE OF OTHERS--our families, friends, and neighbors who may, by our example and encouragement, be brought to seek the Lord.
But worship is not only a duty and commandment, worship is a BLESSED PRIVILEGE. David wrote, "Blessed is the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee, that he may dwell in Thy courts." We are blessed to have the DESIRE to worship God and hear His word . We are blessed to have the FREEDOM to go to the place of worship. We are blessed to have a FAMILY OF BELIEVERS with whom to meet and worship,. We are blessed to haveELDERS AND PREACHERS called of God to preach to us and teach us the word. We are blessed to have the PHYSICAL STRENGTH to go to the house of the Lord and worship. "Blessed INDEED is the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee."
(1) BECAUSE OF GOD, Who has appointed worship, Who approves of it, Who is glorified in it, and Who should be worshipped.
(2) BECAUSE OF OURSELVES. We need to "draw nigh to God," to "seek His face," to praise, pray, and be refreshed and comforted - with other believers.
(3) BECAUSE OF OTHERS--our families, friends, and neighbors who may, by our example and encouragement, be brought to seek the Lord.
But worship is not only a duty and commandment, worship is a BLESSED PRIVILEGE. David wrote, "Blessed is the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee, that he may dwell in Thy courts." We are blessed to have the DESIRE to worship God and hear His word . We are blessed to have the FREEDOM to go to the place of worship. We are blessed to have a FAMILY OF BELIEVERS with whom to meet and worship,. We are blessed to haveELDERS AND PREACHERS called of God to preach to us and teach us the word. We are blessed to have the PHYSICAL STRENGTH to go to the house of the Lord and worship. "Blessed INDEED is the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee."
September 24, 2004
See the old man rise and fume! By (author unknown)
We must have . . .
our idols exposed,
our lusts dragged forth from their holes,
our carnal religion made loathsome in our eyes,
our own righteousness shown to be filthy rags.
Heart-searching preaching, where it does not convince, is sure to offend. Nothing is so cutting to an unrenewed heart, especially when there is a decent outside, as to have its rottenness exposed, its refuge of lies swept away, and the pillow of 'forms' whereon it was sleeping removed from under its head. Whoever attempts this, must expect to see the old man rise and fume.
our idols exposed,
our lusts dragged forth from their holes,
our carnal religion made loathsome in our eyes,
our own righteousness shown to be filthy rags.
Heart-searching preaching, where it does not convince, is sure to offend. Nothing is so cutting to an unrenewed heart, especially when there is a decent outside, as to have its rottenness exposed, its refuge of lies swept away, and the pillow of 'forms' whereon it was sleeping removed from under its head. Whoever attempts this, must expect to see the old man rise and fume.
September 23, 2004
Poor ephemeral things which cannot last by J. C. Ryle
"For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18
"This world and all it contains will pass away." 1 Corinthians 7:31
We live in a world where all things are temporary and passing away. We are all "going, going, going," whether high or low, rich or poor, old or young. We are all going--and shall soon be gone! What is our life? It is a vapor! So soon passes it away, and we are gone!
Humbling and painful as these truths may sound, it is good for us to realize them and lay them to heart. The houses we live in, the homes we love, the riches we accumulate, the professions we follow, the plans we form, the relations we enter into, they are only for a time. The things you live for now are all temporary and passing away. The pleasures, the amusements, the recreations, the merry-makings, the profits, the earthly callings, which now absorb all your heart, and drink up all your mind, will soon be over. They are poor ephemeral things which cannot last.
Oh, do not love them not too much!
Do not grasp them too tightly!
Do not make them your idols!
You cannot keep them, and you must leave them!
"Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth." Col. 3:2
"This world and all it contains will pass away." 1 Corinthians 7:31
We live in a world where all things are temporary and passing away. We are all "going, going, going," whether high or low, rich or poor, old or young. We are all going--and shall soon be gone! What is our life? It is a vapor! So soon passes it away, and we are gone!
Humbling and painful as these truths may sound, it is good for us to realize them and lay them to heart. The houses we live in, the homes we love, the riches we accumulate, the professions we follow, the plans we form, the relations we enter into, they are only for a time. The things you live for now are all temporary and passing away. The pleasures, the amusements, the recreations, the merry-makings, the profits, the earthly callings, which now absorb all your heart, and drink up all your mind, will soon be over. They are poor ephemeral things which cannot last.
Oh, do not love them not too much!
Do not grasp them too tightly!
Do not make them your idols!
You cannot keep them, and you must leave them!
"Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth." Col. 3:2
September 21, 2004
This I Know by Grace Watkins
I do not know the depths of love it took to die on Calvary;
I do not know the shame and grief He suffered there to set me free.
Nor can I tell how bitter was His cup in dark Getsemane,
The pain He bore – heartbroken, poor; But this I know:
He died for me!
I know not why that for my sins His precious blood so freely flows,
Nor fathom why the Lord of All did not such cruel death oppose.
I cannot understand the power which triumphed over death and foes.
They sealed His tomb midst dark’ning gloom; but this I know:
For me He rose!
I do not know why oftentimes the skies are dark and overcast;
Nor why, in grave temptations, all my problems seem so hard, so vast.
I cannot tell what things may come – sore heartaches, all my hopes to blast
The shades of night obscure the light; but this I know:
He’ll hold me fast.
I do not know the shame and grief He suffered there to set me free.
Nor can I tell how bitter was His cup in dark Getsemane,
The pain He bore – heartbroken, poor; But this I know:
He died for me!
I know not why that for my sins His precious blood so freely flows,
Nor fathom why the Lord of All did not such cruel death oppose.
I cannot understand the power which triumphed over death and foes.
They sealed His tomb midst dark’ning gloom; but this I know:
For me He rose!
I do not know why oftentimes the skies are dark and overcast;
Nor why, in grave temptations, all my problems seem so hard, so vast.
I cannot tell what things may come – sore heartaches, all my hopes to blast
The shades of night obscure the light; but this I know:
He’ll hold me fast.
September 05, 2004
What must I do to be saved? Saved from what? What is it You wish to be saved from? Hell? That proves nothing. Nobody wants to go there. The issue between God and man is SIN. Do you wish to be saved from it?
What is sin? Sin is a species of rebellion against God. It is self-pleasing; it is the utter ignoring of God's claims, being completely indifferent whether my conduct pleases or displeases Him.
Before God saves a man, He convicts him of his sinnership. By this I do not mean that he says with everybody else, "Oh yes, we are all sinners, I know that." Rather do I mean that the Holy Spirit makes me feel in my heart that I have been a life-long rebel against God, and that my sins are so many, so great, so black, that I fear that I have transgressed beyond the reach of divine mercy.
Have you ever had that experience? Have you seen yourself to be totally unfit for heaven? For the presence of a Holy God? Do you now perceive that there is no good thing in you, nothing good credited to your account, that all the way through you have loved the things God hates and hated the things God loves?
Has the realization of this broken your heart before God? Has it made you MOURN that you have so despised His mercies, misused His blesings, broken His Sabbaths, neglected His word, and given Him no real place at all in your thoughts, affections and life? If you have not yet seen and felt this personally, then at present there is no hope for you, for God says, "Except ye repent, ye shalt all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3). And if you die in your present condition, you will be lost forever.
But if you have been brought to the place where sin is your greatest plague, where offending God is your greatest grief, and where your deepest desire is now to please and honor Him, then there is hope for you" "The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10). And He will save you, providing you are ready and willing to throw down the weapons of your warfare against Him, bow to His Lordship, and surrender yourself to His control.
His blood can wash the foulest clean. His grace can support and uphold the weakest. His power can deliver the tried and tempted. "Behold NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW. is the day of salvation" (2 Cor. 6:2). Yield yourself to Christ's claims. Give Him the throne of your heart. Turn over to Him the regulation of your life. "Trust in His atoning death. Love Him with all your soul. Obey Him with all your might and He will conduct you to heaven."
"Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved"(Acts 16:31)
What is sin? Sin is a species of rebellion against God. It is self-pleasing; it is the utter ignoring of God's claims, being completely indifferent whether my conduct pleases or displeases Him.
Before God saves a man, He convicts him of his sinnership. By this I do not mean that he says with everybody else, "Oh yes, we are all sinners, I know that." Rather do I mean that the Holy Spirit makes me feel in my heart that I have been a life-long rebel against God, and that my sins are so many, so great, so black, that I fear that I have transgressed beyond the reach of divine mercy.
Have you ever had that experience? Have you seen yourself to be totally unfit for heaven? For the presence of a Holy God? Do you now perceive that there is no good thing in you, nothing good credited to your account, that all the way through you have loved the things God hates and hated the things God loves?
Has the realization of this broken your heart before God? Has it made you MOURN that you have so despised His mercies, misused His blesings, broken His Sabbaths, neglected His word, and given Him no real place at all in your thoughts, affections and life? If you have not yet seen and felt this personally, then at present there is no hope for you, for God says, "Except ye repent, ye shalt all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3). And if you die in your present condition, you will be lost forever.
But if you have been brought to the place where sin is your greatest plague, where offending God is your greatest grief, and where your deepest desire is now to please and honor Him, then there is hope for you" "The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10). And He will save you, providing you are ready and willing to throw down the weapons of your warfare against Him, bow to His Lordship, and surrender yourself to His control.
His blood can wash the foulest clean. His grace can support and uphold the weakest. His power can deliver the tried and tempted. "Behold NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW. is the day of salvation" (2 Cor. 6:2). Yield yourself to Christ's claims. Give Him the throne of your heart. Turn over to Him the regulation of your life. "Trust in His atoning death. Love Him with all your soul. Obey Him with all your might and He will conduct you to heaven."
"Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved"(Acts 16:31)
September 04, 2004
The Sovereign Electing Grace of God! By Spurgeon
None of us have any right to God's mercy.
Election is an indisputable truth of Christianity, and one full of the richest comfort to the child of God- one which is intended to kindle in him perpetual flames of adoring gratitude. It is a truth which lays him low, and makes him feel that there is nothing in him, and then raises him up and bids him, like a seraph, adore before the throne!
Distinguishing grace is a fact; prize this truth and hold it firmly. Thank God that you are made a partaker of his eternal love. The sovereign electing grace of God chooses us to repentance, to faith, and afterwards to holiness of living, to Christian service, to zeal, and to devotion.
Election should be to you savory meat such as Isaac's soul loved; and as you feed upon it you will become like the three holy children in Babylon, both fatter and fairer and more lovely than those who have not received this precious truth.
Election is an indisputable truth of Christianity, and one full of the richest comfort to the child of God- one which is intended to kindle in him perpetual flames of adoring gratitude. It is a truth which lays him low, and makes him feel that there is nothing in him, and then raises him up and bids him, like a seraph, adore before the throne!
Distinguishing grace is a fact; prize this truth and hold it firmly. Thank God that you are made a partaker of his eternal love. The sovereign electing grace of God chooses us to repentance, to faith, and afterwards to holiness of living, to Christian service, to zeal, and to devotion.
Election should be to you savory meat such as Isaac's soul loved; and as you feed upon it you will become like the three holy children in Babylon, both fatter and fairer and more lovely than those who have not received this precious truth.
September 03, 2004
Consider how Christ, the Son of God, by Himself, has certainly purged His people from their sins. He was delivered up for their offenses, and He was raised again for their justification. Try to grasp the extent to which He saved and redeemed (before God) the people on whose behalf He had been smitten of God. He redeemed them as effectively as a benefactor who secured the release from prison of a debtor, by first assuming responsibility for his debt and then cancelling it BY PAYING IT IN FULL!
Gaze in wonder and adoration on this sovereign love of God, who loved those whom it pleased Him to love. He was not pleased simply to invite them to be saved nor to make salvation possible for them. No, the Lord has actually saved and redeemed them in the Lord Jesus Christ because He, being one with them, passed through the hell and condemnation that should have been theirs. HE HAS GIVEN THEM HIS LIFE, HAVING TAKEN THEIR DEATH ON HIMSELF!
In view of this salvation that has been accomplished by our Saviour, I am not afraid to say to you who are near to entering His presence, "Rejoice in anticipation of the glory which you already possess by faith; for this is the pledge which God Himself has given to the elect of His sovereign love, which was already theirs in Christ Jesus even before time began." I speak of a salvation which has either already been accomplished by our Saviour, or else it never will be.
Gaze in wonder and adoration on this sovereign love of God, who loved those whom it pleased Him to love. He was not pleased simply to invite them to be saved nor to make salvation possible for them. No, the Lord has actually saved and redeemed them in the Lord Jesus Christ because He, being one with them, passed through the hell and condemnation that should have been theirs. HE HAS GIVEN THEM HIS LIFE, HAVING TAKEN THEIR DEATH ON HIMSELF!
In view of this salvation that has been accomplished by our Saviour, I am not afraid to say to you who are near to entering His presence, "Rejoice in anticipation of the glory which you already possess by faith; for this is the pledge which God Himself has given to the elect of His sovereign love, which was already theirs in Christ Jesus even before time began." I speak of a salvation which has either already been accomplished by our Saviour, or else it never will be.
September 02, 2004
The best sermons! By CH Spurgeon
The best sermons are the sermons which are most full of Christ.
A sermon without Christ....
it is an awful, a horrible thing;
it is an empty well;
it is a cloud without rain;
it is a tree twice dead, plucked by the roots.
It is an abominable thing to give men stones for bread, and scorpions for eggs, and yet they do so who preach not Jesus. A sermon without Christ! As well talk of a loaf of bread without any flour in it. How can it feed the soul?
Men die and perish because Christ is not there, and yet His glorious gospel is the easiest thing to preach, and the sweetest thing to preach; there is most variety in it, there is more attractiveness in it than in all the world besides!
A sermon without Christ....
it is an awful, a horrible thing;
it is an empty well;
it is a cloud without rain;
it is a tree twice dead, plucked by the roots.
It is an abominable thing to give men stones for bread, and scorpions for eggs, and yet they do so who preach not Jesus. A sermon without Christ! As well talk of a loaf of bread without any flour in it. How can it feed the soul?
Men die and perish because Christ is not there, and yet His glorious gospel is the easiest thing to preach, and the sweetest thing to preach; there is most variety in it, there is more attractiveness in it than in all the world besides!
September 01, 2004
An boundless capacity of wickedness by J.C. Ryle
But Peter said, "Man, I don't know what you are talking about." And as soon as he said these words, the rooster crowed. Luke 22:60
The best and highest believer is a poor weak creature, even at his best times. Whether he knows it or not, he carries within him an almost boundless capacity of wickedness, however fair and decent his outward conduct may seem. There is no enormity of sin into which he may not run, if he does not watch and pray, and if the grace of God does not hold him up.
When we read the falls of Noah, Lot, and Peter, we only read what might possibly befall any of ourselves! Let us never presume. Let us never indulge in high thoughts about our own strength, or look down upon others. Whatever else we pray for, let us daily pray that we may walk humbly with God.
"Hold me up, and I shall be safe!" Ps. 119:117
The best and highest believer is a poor weak creature, even at his best times. Whether he knows it or not, he carries within him an almost boundless capacity of wickedness, however fair and decent his outward conduct may seem. There is no enormity of sin into which he may not run, if he does not watch and pray, and if the grace of God does not hold him up.
When we read the falls of Noah, Lot, and Peter, we only read what might possibly befall any of ourselves! Let us never presume. Let us never indulge in high thoughts about our own strength, or look down upon others. Whatever else we pray for, let us daily pray that we may walk humbly with God.
"Hold me up, and I shall be safe!" Ps. 119:117
August 23, 2004
THE PROMISES by Martin Luther
If God promises something, then faith must fight a long and bitter fight, for reason or the flesh judges that God's promises are impossible. Therefore faith must battle against reason and its doubts. The Devil, too, approaches us with promises, and indeed such as seem very plausible. It certainly requires at times a keen mind rightly to distinguish between God's true and the Devil's false promises. The promises of the Devil are seemingly very pleasant and acceptable. Faith is something that is busy, powerful and creative, though properly speaking, it is essentially an enduring than a doing. It changes the mind and heart. While reason holds to what is present, faith apprehends the things that are not seen. Contrary to reason, faith regards the invisible things as already materialized. This explains why faith, unlike hearing is not found in many, for only few believe, while the great majority cling to the things that are present and can be felt and handled rather than to the Word.
This, then, is the mark of the true divine promises, that they are contrary to reason so that it refuses to believe them. The promises of the Devil, on the contrary, are in full agreement with reason and are readily and uncritically accepted. God's promises which are true and faithful, lead to the cross, and by the cross to His eternal blessing. Therefore reason is offended at them in two ways. It regards as nothing what is invisible and far away in the future, and it detests the cross as a calamity that is everlasting and without end. That is the reason why despite the riches of the divine promises, few believe them. These are such whose hearts are led by the Holy Spirit so that, as Abraham, they defy all foes and cling to the Word of God who calls them.
Before Abraham came to Canaan he was blessed in many ways, but in the land of promise, he, despite his strong faith was forced to go into another country to escape the fury of the famine. God does this purposely to try the faith of His saints. However after a short time, He restores to them not only earthly prosperity, as Abraham became very wealthy, but He also gives them a greater faith and a deeper experience of His divine grace and mercy. For this reason Paul says in Romans 5:3 that though God's saints sigh under their cross, yet they glory in their tribulations when they discover how wonderfully God directs their life.
God thus proves Himself the Protector of all that put their trust in Him. He tries their faith by chastisements, but never forsakes them. Finally, He gloriously delivers them and at the same time benefits others with them.
This, then, is the mark of the true divine promises, that they are contrary to reason so that it refuses to believe them. The promises of the Devil, on the contrary, are in full agreement with reason and are readily and uncritically accepted. God's promises which are true and faithful, lead to the cross, and by the cross to His eternal blessing. Therefore reason is offended at them in two ways. It regards as nothing what is invisible and far away in the future, and it detests the cross as a calamity that is everlasting and without end. That is the reason why despite the riches of the divine promises, few believe them. These are such whose hearts are led by the Holy Spirit so that, as Abraham, they defy all foes and cling to the Word of God who calls them.
Before Abraham came to Canaan he was blessed in many ways, but in the land of promise, he, despite his strong faith was forced to go into another country to escape the fury of the famine. God does this purposely to try the faith of His saints. However after a short time, He restores to them not only earthly prosperity, as Abraham became very wealthy, but He also gives them a greater faith and a deeper experience of His divine grace and mercy. For this reason Paul says in Romans 5:3 that though God's saints sigh under their cross, yet they glory in their tribulations when they discover how wonderfully God directs their life.
God thus proves Himself the Protector of all that put their trust in Him. He tries their faith by chastisements, but never forsakes them. Finally, He gloriously delivers them and at the same time benefits others with them.
August 22, 2004
"To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not tiresome, but for you it is safe" (necessary) (Phil. 3:1). We never grow weary of preaching the word of our Lord, the gospel of His grace; and we never tire of gathering together in His name to worship, pray, and fellowship with His people. The old story is forever NEW; the familiar scriptures are FRESHER AND SWEETER with every taste.
1. To often hear His word preached is to keep our hearts and minds on Christ, the fountain of life.
2. To often hear His word preached is a safeguard against false doctrine and false teachers. An untaught child is more easily led astray than one "taught of God."
3. To often hear His word preached guards against self-righteousness. No danger of a person who is often in the presence of HIS HOLINESS seeing any merit in himself.
4. To often hear His word preached refreshes our spirits, brings peace to our hearts, and beauty to our countenances. One can look at flowers and readily see which flowers ARE MOST OFTEN WATERED!
1. To often hear His word preached is to keep our hearts and minds on Christ, the fountain of life.
2. To often hear His word preached is a safeguard against false doctrine and false teachers. An untaught child is more easily led astray than one "taught of God."
3. To often hear His word preached guards against self-righteousness. No danger of a person who is often in the presence of HIS HOLINESS seeing any merit in himself.
4. To often hear His word preached refreshes our spirits, brings peace to our hearts, and beauty to our countenances. One can look at flowers and readily see which flowers ARE MOST OFTEN WATERED!
August 21, 2004
The New Birth by A.W. Pink
The new birth is solely the work of God the Spirit and man has no part or lot in it. This from the very nature of the case. Birth altogether excludes the idea of any effort or work on the part of the one who is born. Personally we have no more to do with our spiritual birth than we had with our natural birth. The new birth is a spiritual resurrection, a "passing from death unto life"(John 5:24) and, clearly, resurrection is altogether outside of man's province. No corpse can reanimate itself. Hence it is written, "It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing"(John 6:63). But the Spirit does not "quicken" everybody --why? The usual answer returned to this question is, because everybody does not trust in Christ. It is supposed that the Holy Spirit quickens only those who believe. But this is to put the cart before the horse. Faith is not the cause of the new birth, but the consequence of it. This ought not to need arguing. Faith (in God) is an exotic, something that is not native to the human heart. If faith were a natural product of the human heart, the exercise of a principle common to human nature, it would never have been written, "All men have not faith" (2 Thessalonians 3:2). Faith is a spiritual grace, the fruit of the spiritual nature, and because the unregenerate are spiritually dead -- "dead in trespasses and sins" -- then it follows that faith from them is impossible, for a dead man cannot believe anything. "So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God" (Romans 8:8) -- but they could if it were possible for the flesh to believe. Compare with this last quoted scripture Hebrews 11: 6 -- "But without faith it is impossible to please him." Can God be "pleased" or satisfied with any thing which does not have its origin in himself? --A. W. Pink
August 20, 2004
The lukewarm Christian by Todd Nibert
Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Christ says concerning the lukewarm Christian, "I will spew thee out of My mouth." Who is the lukewarm Christian? He is not the "hot" believer. On fire with a zeal for Christ's glory. He is not the "cold" Christian. The cold Christian is the one who feels cold in the things of God, and is miserable because of that. Both hot and cold are states of discomfort. Christ says to the lukewarm Christian, "Thou art neither cold nor hot. I would that thou were cold or hot." The lukewarm Christian is the one who takes the temperature of his surroundings. Lukewarmness is the way of least resistance. Moderate. Balanced. Middle of the road. Avoiding extremes. Fence straddling. It is the easy way. The comfortable way.....not to hot, not too cold. Christ says to the lukewarm Christian, "Because thou art lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth."Christ, His Gospel, the Doctrines of grace, the Word of God, if true are of infinite importance. If false, they are of no importance. But one thing they cannot be is moderately important. The lukewarm Christian is the moderate Christian. The middle of the road Christian. The head on collision occurs in "the middle of the road".
Christ says concerning the lukewarm Christian, "I will spew thee out of My mouth." Who is the lukewarm Christian? He is not the "hot" believer. On fire with a zeal for Christ's glory. He is not the "cold" Christian. The cold Christian is the one who feels cold in the things of God, and is miserable because of that. Both hot and cold are states of discomfort. Christ says to the lukewarm Christian, "Thou art neither cold nor hot. I would that thou were cold or hot." The lukewarm Christian is the one who takes the temperature of his surroundings. Lukewarmness is the way of least resistance. Moderate. Balanced. Middle of the road. Avoiding extremes. Fence straddling. It is the easy way. The comfortable way.....not to hot, not too cold. Christ says to the lukewarm Christian, "Because thou art lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth."Christ, His Gospel, the Doctrines of grace, the Word of God, if true are of infinite importance. If false, they are of no importance. But one thing they cannot be is moderately important. The lukewarm Christian is the moderate Christian. The middle of the road Christian. The head on collision occurs in "the middle of the road".
August 13, 2004
The Gospel of Peace by Gary Shepard
Rom 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
The whole range of deception and deceivers is very broad. At opposite ends of the range are two deceivers both of which display the spirit of antichrist. On the one side there is the preacher who is quite willing to freely and quickly speak peace to any and all on any basis. If they profess to be a Christian, if they have had a religious experience, if they claim to believe some doctrine, if they are morally upright or if they act religious, he speaks “peace” to them, tells them they are right with God, demonstrates a confidence in their standing before God and constantly reassures them of such. It does not matter that they do not know and believe the truth because he doesn’t. It doesn’t matter that they are not born from above by the Holy Spirit because he isn’t. It doesn’t matter that their hope of salvation is not in Christ alone, by grace alone, through the bloody death of Christ alone and through God-given faith alone because his isn’t. It has been rightly said that the only person who will give assurance to a lost man is another lost man!At the other end of the range is that man who refuses peace to anyone! His message is one of constant doubt. It is a gospel of works, of bondage and fear and leaves all without hope. He refuses to set forth Christ as that Good Hope. He makes salvation to ultimately depend on the doing, maintaining and a system of legalism rather than on the finished work of Christ. He refuses full assurance to anyone, guides his hearers into perpetual introspection and knows nothing of true joy in Christ. He and his hearers are as lost as those previously mentioned. He does not show that peace made by Christ through the blood of His cross. His followers never have peace because he doesn’t. They never demonstrate grace and love because he doesn’t. Thank God there are some sent of God who speak the peace of the gospel of Christ crucified. They cannot “speak peace,” that is regard as truly a Christian and the object of God’s mercy and saving grace, any but those who have heard and believe the true gospel wherein God’s righteousness is revealed. But to all who have heard and have some God-given understanding of the one way God remains just in justifying sinners, to all who believe on and love Christ, His gospel and people as they truly are, to these who believe the promise of salvation in Christ, he speaks the gospel which speaks peace, assurance, joy and blessing to them!
The whole range of deception and deceivers is very broad. At opposite ends of the range are two deceivers both of which display the spirit of antichrist. On the one side there is the preacher who is quite willing to freely and quickly speak peace to any and all on any basis. If they profess to be a Christian, if they have had a religious experience, if they claim to believe some doctrine, if they are morally upright or if they act religious, he speaks “peace” to them, tells them they are right with God, demonstrates a confidence in their standing before God and constantly reassures them of such. It does not matter that they do not know and believe the truth because he doesn’t. It doesn’t matter that they are not born from above by the Holy Spirit because he isn’t. It doesn’t matter that their hope of salvation is not in Christ alone, by grace alone, through the bloody death of Christ alone and through God-given faith alone because his isn’t. It has been rightly said that the only person who will give assurance to a lost man is another lost man!At the other end of the range is that man who refuses peace to anyone! His message is one of constant doubt. It is a gospel of works, of bondage and fear and leaves all without hope. He refuses to set forth Christ as that Good Hope. He makes salvation to ultimately depend on the doing, maintaining and a system of legalism rather than on the finished work of Christ. He refuses full assurance to anyone, guides his hearers into perpetual introspection and knows nothing of true joy in Christ. He and his hearers are as lost as those previously mentioned. He does not show that peace made by Christ through the blood of His cross. His followers never have peace because he doesn’t. They never demonstrate grace and love because he doesn’t. Thank God there are some sent of God who speak the peace of the gospel of Christ crucified. They cannot “speak peace,” that is regard as truly a Christian and the object of God’s mercy and saving grace, any but those who have heard and believe the true gospel wherein God’s righteousness is revealed. But to all who have heard and have some God-given understanding of the one way God remains just in justifying sinners, to all who believe on and love Christ, His gospel and people as they truly are, to these who believe the promise of salvation in Christ, he speaks the gospel which speaks peace, assurance, joy and blessing to them!
August 12, 2004
The Glory of His Grace by Tim James
“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”Ephesians 1:6
A poet wrote “Grace! ‘tis a charming sound, harmonious to the ear”. To everyone who has tasted the bitterness of their own sin and has come to know and feel their own depravity, grace is indeed a charming sound. However, it is not so with everyone. There are those to whom the word and the doctrine are bitter to their taste and unpleasant to their ears. Grace is such a singular and absolute principle that it will countenance no rival and will stand for no mixture with it. It resides alone as the means by which God saves sinners. No words can do grace justice! No song can encompass its true melody. No sermon or theological treatise can expound the depths or heights of its glory. Every redeemed person rests in it and is motivated to work by it. It is the source of comfort and conviction, of joy and tears, of desire and fulfillment, of meekness and boldness and those who have experienced the wonder of it are forever enamored by it. Those who have experienced the beauty and the power of it find their mind and heart consumed by it. It is mystery and revelation. Their language is salted with it. Their relationships are monitored and measured by it. Their very soul is permeated with it. They are possessed with a kind of “tunnel vision” that, to the world, seems to borders on fanatacism. Their conversation is so singularly taken wit grace that religion often refers to them as “gracers” or “sovereign gracers” and usually in an effort to disallow them, to mock them. But the recipient of grace can not help himself. He gladly takes up the banner and wears the disdain of the world as a badge of honor. God’s grace is part and parcel of His glory (Exodus 33:19).
A poet wrote “Grace! ‘tis a charming sound, harmonious to the ear”. To everyone who has tasted the bitterness of their own sin and has come to know and feel their own depravity, grace is indeed a charming sound. However, it is not so with everyone. There are those to whom the word and the doctrine are bitter to their taste and unpleasant to their ears. Grace is such a singular and absolute principle that it will countenance no rival and will stand for no mixture with it. It resides alone as the means by which God saves sinners. No words can do grace justice! No song can encompass its true melody. No sermon or theological treatise can expound the depths or heights of its glory. Every redeemed person rests in it and is motivated to work by it. It is the source of comfort and conviction, of joy and tears, of desire and fulfillment, of meekness and boldness and those who have experienced the wonder of it are forever enamored by it. Those who have experienced the beauty and the power of it find their mind and heart consumed by it. It is mystery and revelation. Their language is salted with it. Their relationships are monitored and measured by it. Their very soul is permeated with it. They are possessed with a kind of “tunnel vision” that, to the world, seems to borders on fanatacism. Their conversation is so singularly taken wit grace that religion often refers to them as “gracers” or “sovereign gracers” and usually in an effort to disallow them, to mock them. But the recipient of grace can not help himself. He gladly takes up the banner and wears the disdain of the world as a badge of honor. God’s grace is part and parcel of His glory (Exodus 33:19).
August 11, 2004
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov. 1:7). Happy the soul that has been awed by a view of god's majesty, that has had a vision of God's awful greatness, His ineffable holiness, His perfect righteousness, His irresistible power, His sovereign grace. Does someone save,"But it is only the unsaved, those outside of Christ, who need to fear God"? Then the sufficient answer is that the saved, those who are in Christ, are admonished to work out their own salvation with "fear and trembling." Time was when it was the general custom to speak of a believer as a "God-fearing man." That such an appellation has become nearly extinct only serves to show whither we have drifted. Nevertheless, it still stands written, "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him" (Psalm 103:13).
When we speak of godly fear, of course we do not mean a servile fear, such as prevails among the heathen in connection with their gods. No, we mean that spirit which Jehovah is pledged to bless, that spirit to which the prophet referred when he said, "To this man will I (the Lord) look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word" (Isa. 66:2). It was this the apostle had in view when he wrote, "Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king" (I Pet. 2:17). And nothing will foster this godly fear like a recognition of the Sovereign Majesty of God. --A. W. Pink
When we speak of godly fear, of course we do not mean a servile fear, such as prevails among the heathen in connection with their gods. No, we mean that spirit which Jehovah is pledged to bless, that spirit to which the prophet referred when he said, "To this man will I (the Lord) look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word" (Isa. 66:2). It was this the apostle had in view when he wrote, "Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king" (I Pet. 2:17). And nothing will foster this godly fear like a recognition of the Sovereign Majesty of God. --A. W. Pink
August 10, 2004
The Confession Of Our Faith byTodd Nibert
Hbr 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promised;
In Heb. 10:23, we are instructed to "Hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering." Just what is this confession we are instructed to hold fast to, and not waver in? It can be summarized by these four statements which all believers, without exception, believe. These were the watchword of the reformation.
. Scriptures Alone. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, perfect and complete word of God. We look to scripture alone as our only rule of faith and practice. Scripture has an absolute monopoly on truth. Any departure from this is a departure from Christ. "To the law and the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" Isaiah 8:20.
. Christ Alone. Christ, the Living Word, is the message of the written word. Christ is the Gospel. "Christ is all" (Col. 3:11), is the message of the scriptures. He is all to God, all in scripture, all in salvation, and all to the believer. The SURE and ONLY hope of every child of God is the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who He is, the God-Man, guarantees the success of what He did. He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. The Alpha and the Omega. Christ alone is our only ground of acceptance before God, and the only object of our faith.
. GRACE ALONE. Every aspect of salvation from the beginning (election) to the end (glorification), and everything between the beginning and the end , is all of God's grace. No part of salvation can be ascribed to man. To ascribe any part of salvation to the religious efforts, works, or free-will of man, is to deny salvation by grace. "By grace are ye saved" (Eph. 2:8).
. FAITH ALONE. Christ and His salvation is not received by doing, but by believing. And it is not carried on or improved by doing. It is carried on by believing. We never rise above faith in Christ. We never progress past a sinner saved by grace. Spiritual growth does not occur by our works, but by learning to look to Christ more completely. Truly, "The just shall live by faith".This is the confession of our faith, in which we must hold fast and not waver!
In Heb. 10:23, we are instructed to "Hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering." Just what is this confession we are instructed to hold fast to, and not waver in? It can be summarized by these four statements which all believers, without exception, believe. These were the watchword of the reformation.
. Scriptures Alone. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, perfect and complete word of God. We look to scripture alone as our only rule of faith and practice. Scripture has an absolute monopoly on truth. Any departure from this is a departure from Christ. "To the law and the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" Isaiah 8:20.
. Christ Alone. Christ, the Living Word, is the message of the written word. Christ is the Gospel. "Christ is all" (Col. 3:11), is the message of the scriptures. He is all to God, all in scripture, all in salvation, and all to the believer. The SURE and ONLY hope of every child of God is the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who He is, the God-Man, guarantees the success of what He did. He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. The Alpha and the Omega. Christ alone is our only ground of acceptance before God, and the only object of our faith.
. GRACE ALONE. Every aspect of salvation from the beginning (election) to the end (glorification), and everything between the beginning and the end , is all of God's grace. No part of salvation can be ascribed to man. To ascribe any part of salvation to the religious efforts, works, or free-will of man, is to deny salvation by grace. "By grace are ye saved" (Eph. 2:8).
. FAITH ALONE. Christ and His salvation is not received by doing, but by believing. And it is not carried on or improved by doing. It is carried on by believing. We never rise above faith in Christ. We never progress past a sinner saved by grace. Spiritual growth does not occur by our works, but by learning to look to Christ more completely. Truly, "The just shall live by faith".This is the confession of our faith, in which we must hold fast and not waver!
August 07, 2004
Does God receive all the glory. by E. Wilson
Of the self-righteous believer, or the sinner saved by grace
I chose to serve Christ by my own Free-will, or Christ chose me, unworthy as I am
John 15:16
I love Christ so He shall reward me, or Christ first loved me, before I ever loved Him.
I John 4:19
I asked Christ into my life, or Christ irresistibly called me by His grace
Gal 1:15-16, John 6:27
I opened my heart to let the Lord come in, or Christ removed my hard heart and came in
Ezek 36:26
I frequently exercise faith in Christ, or Christ granted me faith teaching me trust
Eph 2:8
I repented of my sins, so Christ cleansed me, or Christ regenerated me and turned me from sin
Titus 3:5
I receive Christ’s atonement and teaching, or Christ drew me by the Holy Spirit with His love
Jer 31:3
I am a fervent disciple of Christ, or Christ made me willing to serve Him
Psa 110:3
I pray to Christ and claim my promises daily, or Christ intercedes for me and encourages me to pray
Rom 8:26
I have given up much in order to serve Christ, or Christ gave up all to save me though I deserve hell
Rom 5:8-9
I have kept myself close to Christ, or Christ has kept me close by His grace
Psa 30:3
What they base their hope on, or What I base my Hope on
“God, I ask You to forgive me of my sins.
I believe in Jesus Christ and in His death
on the cross for my sins. I ask You to
enter my life right now, and provide me
strength as I commit my life to You this day."
“Moreover whom He did predestinate,
them He also called: and whom He called,
them He also justified: and whom
He justified, them He also glorified.”
Rom 8:30
Rom 8:30
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