June 20, 2005


"Unto you therefore which believe HE IS PRECIOUS" (2 Peter 2:7).

The ONE who is precious to saved souls is the One who suffered the curse of God for them. He is the rejected cornerstone to those who believe not, as we note from the context, vs. 2 - 10. The natural man can only oppose Him and will never understand the relationship of sweetness and preciousness that exists between a saved soul and his Savior!

A persecuted Christ is precious to persecuted souls.
A wounded, beaten Christ is precious to wounded and beaten souls.
He is precious to souls under the immediate attack of Satan.
A Crucified Christ is precious to crucified souls.
A Dying Christ is precious to dying souls.
He is precious to souls who have been killed to Satan, to the Law and to sin, and risen to new life in HIM.
A Risen Christ is precious to risen souls.
A Justifying Christ is precious to justified souls.
A Conquering Christ is precious to conquering souls.

And did you know, my friends, that it is only the one who has suffered the pangs of death in the House of Holy Spirit Conviction, been brought from a time of his own suffering into the glorious liberty of the sons of God — it is only that crucified and resurrected sinner, justified in Christ Jesus and living the life of faith in Him — it is only the soul with an experimental acquaintance with these things who can truly say,"UNTO ME, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS PRECIOUS!"

Christ Jesus our Living Lord is the very Preciousness of God, and we are complete in Him. HE is all that God can give to a poor lost, fallen, hell-deserving sinner like me that can bring me into a right relationship with HIMSELF.

In the midst of trials, sufferings, disappointments of this life, I come back to the one point. He delivered my poor soul, and I know that still HE IS PRECIOUS TO ME. Can you say that? - A saved sinner, Wy. Fulton