We set up Brush Fire Forum to be an online community
composed of hundreds of like-minded individuals providing resources and
promoting reasonable conversation about preserving faith, self, family, and
community in the turbulent times in which we live.
Brush Fire Forum is a strictly not-for-profit venture, and
the content we provide (including frequent contributors who are nationally
recognized in their fields, publishing original e-books, and other resources)
will always be made available to you FREE of charge and with the encouragement
to take its message and share it as you see fit. We are all passionate about the mission of
this site and will continue contributing our own personal time, energy, and
money to keep this community running and providing the highest quality of
information possible.
To offset some of our cost we are providing ways you can
also become involved and help
support our growing community. Our objective is raise $1,500 so we can kick
start this project and fully fund Brush Fire Forum for one year of powerful
digital content, interactive forums, Brush Fire Pamphlets, books, and other
publications. We would never ask you to contribute money without receiving
something in return, so we have created an online fundraising page at Indiegogo to offer you
some exciting "perks" in exchange for various levels of
Next Tuesday - April 23rd - we will be hosting an "Online Give-day." Our goal for this single day is to raise the
donations necessary to fund the operations of Brush Fire Forum for one year.
We ask that you please pledge your support and help us
promote what we expect to be a great kickoff and the spark of a raging Brush
Fire heard 'round the world.
Thank You,
Brush Fire Forum Team